I subscribed the newsletter today directly after registering to Keep Club and I already received 10 points as reward.
I received the points for the newsletter when I signed up for it (once more, using the same email as before) and this is shown in the history, but the challenge tile still remains grey instead of turning green like the others.
Same on the Newsletter. Got the points, but its not green in the overview. I do have a purchase that should be eligible, but nothing has been assigned for that one so far.
I had my Fairphone 3 registered.
I change this to my Fairphone 5, save and then the Keepclub still shows the Fairphone 3.
I can’t change it to my Fairphone 5.
Fairphone 5, still this difficulty of signing up for keep club exists. Something has gone wrong, please try again later after 6 days is a test and a half in itself. This is via fairphone app and website on tablet. Thoughts and advice gratefully received.
With Fairphone 1 and Fairphone 2 in my possession, unfortunately I am not able to enjoy the keep club which lets you only register FP3–FP5, no Oldtimers. Apparently, I am too early bird.
But fortunately, it is as easy to leave the keep club, as it is to join it. Overall, I find it to be a good idea.
You even can’t register FP3.
I have a FP3+, which is not sooo old - I think it is really a shame, that the club is only for new fairphones registrable. It’s exactly the opposite of the idea, isn’t it?
I understand that Fairphone is a company which has to earn money, but you read the marketing papers and commercial about reparing and Keep Club etc., but at the end: I do not get parts for FP3+ and I can’t register it in this club, so at the end it’s just marketing blabla - as always…
On the exclusion of FP3s running alternative OSes (I only realized this today, running /e/OS on my FP3+), my guess is that the reason is technical – Fairphone might want to verify in some way that the FP3 has been in use for a certain time, and perhaps they do so by an FP3’s connections to the server(s) that provide Fairphone OS updates?
P.S.: I submitted a Fairphone Support request today regarding my missing newsletter and purchase (screen protector) points.
I just joined today.
Maybe I misunderstood something but isn’t it supposed to be 20 points per year for the anniversary reward?
I had my Fairphone 3 for 4 years now (it was a pre-order). The Keep Club says it’s 3 years instead of 4 and it gave me only 20 points.
Also, I recycled 2 phones with Fairphone a few years back. Is there a way to get them in the Keep Club? I can’t find any email about it though.
From what I’ve seen so far it doesn’t look like it registers these things retroactively - only once you join. Also points are only valid for at most three years for legal reasons, so your recycled phones may be to far in the past either way.
I’ll bite.
Can you (FP) specify these legal resons? It would help understanding why this is so.
This is a user forum. You have to contactsupport for asking the company.
Well then,
I apologise. Then I kindly ask @AndreasChris as an individual member of this forum to point out the legal reasons he alluded to
I thought I remembered ‘legal reasons’ being quoted in a post about the three year limit, but it may be that my brain mistakenly credited the following post by @mde to one of the ‘official’ clarifications (- I simply went off memory):
As Volker said, you may want to ask support for a more extensive answer. Either way the point is that the terms and conditions set 3 years as the limit:
You maintain Your Points for 3 years after which the Points which You have not yet redeemed will automatically expire. Whenever You reach a new Tier, you have 12 months to collect new Points. If you have not collected any new Points during the 12 months following the accession to this new Tier, you will automatically be downgraded to the previous Tier.
Thanks for explaining where you got that from.
I apologise, but in my line of work I see “for legal reasons” as a lazy excuse to hide the true business reason way too often and am a bit alergic to it.
Might bring this up with support, thanks.
Did anyone receive credits for purchases from the Fairphone shop, yet?
I bought a replacement display some weeks ago, but until today there are no credits being added to my keep club account for that.
If you ever get a helpful reply from them, then please share the key points with us.
I get that it can be frustrating when people feel like they’re the even the more loyal users and now all those “newbies” get their points but the older users don’t.
BUT it is also important to put this into perspective: This whole “keep club” concept is a voluntary offer by Fairphone, likely also aimed at attracting more - less loyal - customers. As such, they are free to design their terms and conditions as they please to achieve that goal (within the law).
Would I like to know more about their particular reasoning? Sure, see above!
Do I think they have bad intent just because I might be missing out on some additional offer that was not even part of the deal when I bought my device? Rather not.
Don’t get me wrong: The things they promise within this program should of course work for everybody. As discussed in this thread previously, that does not always seem to be the case when it comes to awarding the correct amount of points, for example. But so far I have confidence that they will sort this out eventually.
Will do
Oh, absolutely! I would just value more clarity, that’s all.
Thank you all for flagging these issues with the “Keep Club”. I talked to my colleagues who are managing the Club and showed them this thread. They have confirmed that they are already aware of many of the “smaller bugs” and are in the process of fixing these. If you are experiencing any bigger issues (like the problem reported by @Lars_Hennig in this thread or by @Lidwien via private message), please reach out to the Fairphone customer support since we need to look at these on a case-by-case basis (it seems to work fine for the majority of customers).
Apologies for the frustration this has been causing - I hope everyone will be able to collect all their points and longevity rewards as intended soon!