Posted by @Douwe at Matrix:
German article about the Fairphone 1 containing an interview with Bas.
Nice Article, but there is a mistake already in the 2nd phrase:
keine Rohstoffe aus Konfliktregionen
“No raw material from conflict areas” - it must be frustrating to be misunderstood in the very first principle of the project.
Some articles in german:
7 posts were split to a new topic: Abschiedskolumne in SZ-Magazin
In German: Fairphone Team and Bas well be at IFA in Berlin soon. The article teases “Big News” to be disclosed on a Fairphone Press Conference on 31.8.
»Fairphone sei seinem Ziel, eine Bewegung für fairer produzierte Elektronik voranzutreiben, einen bedeutenden Schritt nähergekommen.«
This could be more materials that are sourced fair, a third model or — and that is my guess — an important cooperation with another electronics company that joins Fairphones efforts or is advised by them.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the press, welcome! We have great news to share with you today:
It is the end of August and, as hinted at earlier, all spare parts for the Fairphone 2 are now back in stock again.
Thank you.
Released 29.6.2017:
Heise online 24.7.2017:
DerStandard 25.7.2017:
Badische Zeitung 11.8.2017:
Sehr schöner und positiver Artikel vom Handelsblatt (welcher so auch auf ZEIT Online erschienen ist) zur Vorstellung vom neuen Kameramodul:
Bei anderen Herstellern, die auf fest verklebte Komponenten setzen – Öffnen verboten –, ist die Situation für Verbraucher eher noch schlechter. Um so wichtiger wäre, dass es endlich ein politisches Gegensteuern gibt.
Not sure if someone posted it on the forum before and whether it belongs here or into the new camera thread(s): The European Environmental Bureau has a video clip basically heralding the FP2 upgrade (yet only showing the Fairphone for a few fractions of seconds and not really naming it – NOTE that the video was posted one day before Fairphone’s IFA press conference new camera module launch):
Accompanying blog article "Fairphone bites into Apple, in a sexy way"
Just found this article and postet it at another topic already, but I guess it fits in here as well (if not better): Fairphone kaufen & bestellen in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
The article originates from January 2017, but seems to be updated by July 2017.
Included are a store locator and tips for getting a second hand Fairphone and links to various more articles about the FP on
Enthält unter anderem so bislang nicht gehörte klare Ansagen zum Thema Android 7:
Bei Interesse am besten hier diskutieren.
The aforementioned article is all in German, I roughly translated the interesting paragraph on Android 7 here though.
EDIT: In the meantime, Fairphone has responded and corrected some of the claims in the article.
Da bin ich doch gerade am lesen des Artikels “Prüfungs Placebo” in der aktuellen c’t (Heft 19, erschien am 2.9.), und was sehe ich da unten links auf Seite 121 als “frontend” für Ulrich Kühns “LiMiT1” sniffer - ein FP2! Deutlich erkennbar an der klassischen Gummiausbeulung am Lautstärkeregler
A study by a French NGO (France Nature Environnement):
There is an article and two pdf files. In the second, Fairphone is mentionned as the only smartphone with the “blue Angel” certification (p. 19).
I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but it looks interesting and a lot of Newspapers have published a summary of the study.
Edit: the picture they use p. 11 is a Fairphone… It comes from this website:
I haven’t found any mention here of this study by Greenpeace (it’s from June):