Android 6.0 Marshmallow / 7 Nougat for FP2?

:exclamation:EDIT: PLEASE read @anon99326380’s correction a few posts further down on what is the actual state of things.

This German article claims something that sounds almost too good to be true: Android 7 will come onto the Fairphone 2, perhaps even Oreo? (“Android 7 fürs Fairphone kommt”). According to the article which makes reference to Olivier Hebert, it’s not a question of “if”, but “when”. I really hope this is not just a misunderstanding.

My own improvised English translation of (page 2) paragraph 1:

The successor model seems more future-proof: For the Fairphone 2 which runs Android 6 by now, the manufacturer* promises an update to Android 7 Nougat, Hebert just won’t state anything on the possible release date. Potentially only in the year 2018. What about Android 8 Oreo? Let’s see, according to the Fairphone CTO [Chief Technical Officer]. However, skipping Android 7 and upgrading straight to Android 8 would be a too challenging endeavour.

  • i.e. Fairphone

Article found by @NephewJ