I want to buy a FP3+ or FP3 Camera module

What product(s) are you looking for?

Hey, I am looking for an FP3+ Camera module since in mine the glass is broken.

Where would it/they need to be shipped (country or city)?

Finland, Helsinki.

Other, remarks:

NB: To be able to send a direct message to the user, you will need to reach trust level 1 by entering/opening at least 5 topics, reading at least 30 posts and spending a total of 10 minutes reading posts.
Be aware, that cross-border shipment of batteries outside a phone is virtually impossible for individuals.

Welcome to the Community Forum.

I cannot offer you a module, but you might find this interesting, especially if you don’t find a 48MP module:

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Hey! Thank you, this looks like a good option! I will widen my research also to FP3 cameras modules :slight_smile:

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