Hi everybody, I can’t charge my Fairphone 3+ anymore, cables are fine, it seems to me that it’s the plug inside that doesn’t stick anymore, can it be changed?
Best to search the forum for a lot of help regarding the possibilities and options.
If it is not just ‘dirty’ and malfunctioning, how old is the phone as you have a warranty from initial purchase for two years?
Bottom module could be cleaned or replaced.
A couple of weeks ago my FP3 stopped charging in the middle of the night. I first thought it was the charger or the cable, but it wasn’t. The problem persisted with all cables and all chargers that have perviously worked well. I noticed that if I applied slight pressure on the USB-C connector when it was connected to the phone, it charged the phone. Sometimes it helps if i pull out the connector half a millimeter or so. Sometimes it helps if I turn it the other way. But no way is reliable and th…
hi guys not sure if I have killed my fp3 battery it was showing yellow then flashing red - plugged it in but was using it then it started doing that thing where it seems to charge then reset - give the “please do not unplug” message then go blank then charge for a few seconds the reset over and over (my fp2 used to do this).
What i would like to know from you good folk is whether when the fp3 is properly switched off whether the charging LED still illuminates? (Im hoping not because that wil…
If you want a good view of the bottom module in case you want to try and fix it.
Hi. Images below taken with an FP3+
I have a defunct F3 that I disassembled to see if I could fix it; No luck; but whilst at it I thought I’d take a look at the bottom module as one issue was that it wouldn’t charge.
The bottom module can be prised open, it has four small latches, two stainless steel and two plastic, so be careful. I opened the steel one first.
Here is the inside of the two halves of the surround. Centre is the slot for the USB C port. The shiny B98CBC is probably the vibrato…
March 24, 2023, 11:19am
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