Hi all!
I bought a fairphone 4 recently and I Saw that there were more cool notification sounds that I didn’t have on my previous fairphone 2.
As I was choosing and trying some of them, I was asked to do a security update, so I did it.
After the update, I noticed that I couldn’t find any of some notification sounds I was looking for… Since there is only notifications sounds that I had on my fairphone 2 , not more… before that, I chosen a notification sound that is not in the list anymore, and it apears as a number instead of its name (43) in the parameters but not in the list…
Is there a way to recover these notifications sounds? And why this uodate deleted some sounds from my fone?
Hi, thanks for your answer.
Sorry, I searched on the forum and on the internet before writing this post , I didn’t find any topic talking about my problem!
I restart my phone every day (I turn it off at night) but it does not solved the problem.
About the sd card Im not sure to understand , I didn’t plug any sd card since I have it…
Maybe are you talking about internal memory managment settings?
Hi, I tried to restart in safe mode but it didnt solve the issue.
Android 11 is installed and the version is FP4.FP4D.A.163.20220826
It was a general update, when I first switch on the tel and connect it to the internet, I was granted to do this update. As I was exploring my new phone, I didnt install it directly.
I chose a notification sound in these I liked, add a paper wall and did personification stuffs on the phone before dl the update, but I didnt installed third party apps yet at this time…
Disabling digital wellbeing also dont solve the issue
Hi hirnsushi,
No I didnt had these sounds on the fp2 , that’s why I was really happy to get some new sounds with the fp4! .
But after the update, these few more sounds just disapeared, so I have now the exact same list of notification sounds I have on my fp2 (I can compare, I still have my fp2…)
Unfortunately I cant tell you the names of these sounds , they are not in the list anymore! (Just the number “43” matching the sound I selected , but its not in the list …)
I’ll try to send screens of my notification sounds list so you can compare with yours
See the number at the “son de notification par défaut” section(default notification sound) which match the sound I’m using now, but its not in the list anymore… But its playing well when I receive messages, so the sound is on the phone I guess?
According to your screenshots, you have Krypton selected as the notification sound in the list, is that the sound you like and want to keep or did you just select it accidentally?
If you change to another sound and select Krypton again, does it still show up as 43?
When I go into sounds list, it automatically selects krypton, but its not the sound running. I have to cancel the list , if I tap “ok” I’m afraid that it will select krypton (which I hate… ) as default notification sound , and then I’ll not be able to find back my current “43” sound…
As I said above, the 43 sound is running when the phone is ringing so the sound is in the phone, but not in the list… Android seems to hide some sounds from that list, is there a way (maybe via a pc connection?) To find these notification sounds in the phone’s system folders, and then copy/paste them in a “ringtone” folder and then be able to select them.from the “add new sound” menu ?
I had something similar with my FP3. I’m not sure how I resolved it but will see if there is old er post on that. Else check which apps you use for accessing files and using media.
Ok, I searched for a wile but didn’t found other topic about this specific problem… I keep looking for it trying to read lots of posts…
Even on the internet, I only found a similar issue about samsung phones, solved buy downloading a third party app to get back original samsung ringtones… But I dont really want to install an app for that…
I’m using Cx file explorer to explore my phone’s files…