FP5 fingerprint sensor unresponsive after update .098 (not 0.88)

I have the same issue. Fingerprint unlock stopped working after installing the update. I will try the suggested fix and see if it helps.


Disabled and enabled back Find My Device toggle. Now fingerprint unlock works.


Smae issue for me but even worse it seems. After trying above suggestions, which didn’t work, and restarting my phone, my fingerprint settings are gone entirely…

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fingerprint stopped working, setting completely gone

Thank you for the advice.
It has been activated. Deactivated and reactivated. Works again.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Fingerprint stopped working, setting completely gone

It seams a working solution, but if you disable and re enable Find my Device, the setting “Security and privacy > More security and privacy > Device admin apps > Allow Find My Device to lock or erase a lost device” is automatically set to disabled. If you enable it again, fingerprint is not working.

Same issue here. Had to follow the marked - disable and re-enable Google’s FindMyDevice - “solution” (which apparently marks Device-Admin reset privilege for FindMyDevice off, but still working, according to a user, very confusing indeed) to restore being able to unlock the phone using the fingerprint (which kept working fine for in-app authentications). Very annoying issue, and if I did not know about this forum I would have been stuck without the fingerprint unlocking. I assume it is related to the latest update, but they really need to release a hotfix for this, for people who are not tech or forum-savy.

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This remediated it for me on my fp5, too.

maybe nice to share.

answer of Fairphone seport:

i expect everyone how dit contact Fairphone about this issue did reserve the same answer.


Hello everyone,
yes that’s right. I had the same problem with my FP5 and Android 14, deactivated the “Find device” option, and since then I’ve been able to unlock the device again with the fingerprint sensor. Whatever the connection is - no idea - but I’ve learned that I don’t have to understand everything.
Thank you for the helpful and useful tip and all the best

Turning find my phone off fixed the issue, FP5 , 0.98build. turning it back on seems to continue to work.

Thanks for this thread. I can online bank again :slight_smile:

Every single banking app after turning find my off and on again now registers the device as a new device and most of the time needs a full re-setup of the full authentication process.

That’s not very trustworthy to be honest.
FP support suggests the solution from this chat, but such an issue with an update is suspicious.

Is there any recent security audit of the Fairphone company as a whole itself? To avoid a potential issue with hacking?

I’m not sure if it’s caused by turning find my phone off and on again or the update itself changing a kind of security key to identify devices.

The Dashlane password manager now fails fingerprint access on the first try, but works after tapping “retry”.
All in all that’s not very trustworthy.

Thanks, face recognition is also working bak again !!

OK that’s real annoying, why would Find My Device break the Fingerprint Unlocking of my Device? That’s a huge major oversight to introduce a bug like that without proper testing before pushing updates. I shouldn’t have to toggle Find My Device just to get Fingerprint Unlocking to work again.

This seems to be an issue that only occurred with some specific configurations - so it was probably easy to be missed.

As already mentioned, is two place for setting FindMyDevice and problematic is only if enabled as device admin app, but this not need for find phone, ring phone, remote lock…
Only i think nobody test if without device admin work remote factory reset, you can :wink:

More info on this links:

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