I just updated my FP5 with the latest Android upgrade .088 and the fingerprint reader stopped responding right after.
Parameters are all set up correctly. It feels like it’s just not reading anymore.
Any idea welcome to correct this, thanks
Can you confirm the update was B.088 and not B.098 which was just published today and actually caused issues for several people to unlock the FP?
Hi, you’re right. That’s the update published today I just installed. I assumed -wrongly- it was .088 from the release notes where the newest one is not mentioned.
Do you have a hunch on how to solve the issue?
It seemingly has something to do with the Find my Phone → Settings. For some people it helped to disable it (Settings → Security & Privacy → Find my phone). Even if it was already disabled, it might help to enable and disable it again. Strangely some users for example myself are not affected by this bug.
Waw that worked instantly. I just deactivated and reactivated the find my phone feature and the sensor worked straight away to confirm. Now it’s working normally again. Thanks for the help
You need to turn off “Security and privacy > More security and privacy > Device admin apps > Allow Find My Device to lock or erase a lost device” to have fingerprint unlock working.
You can still have “Find My Device” and “Remote Lock” turned on in “Security and privacy > Device finders > Find My Device”, though.
“Remote lock” has been enabled with this update, according to the release notes. But this seems to have resulted in this fingerprint bug that not everyone is experiencing as not everyone had “Remote lock” turned on as an admin app.
Same on my end. Thanks!
Thank you! This worked for me as well. I had it enabled. So I disabled and re-enabled it, and now the unlock works.
The fingerprint sensor was actually working; it wasn’t used during unlock. I went to the list of registered fingerprints, and it would highlight them depending on which finger I placed on the sensor so it was on and working correctly.
Continuing the discussion from FP5 fingerprint sensor unresponsive after update .098 (not 0.88):
Also same on my device . It works … But …
But I can’t “reset” it , iff I turn the app back on , I disable the fingerprint and face recognition again …
I had the same issue. Fingerprint and face unlocking weren’t functioning, but unlocking fingerprint-protected apps (banking, etc.) worked as expected.
@mgkoeln’s suggestion solved the issue.
Many thanks here too
Besten Dank
thanks for the solution, it worked for me too on fairphone 5.
Thank you for this advice. Disabled and re-enabled the Find My Phone setting and unlock with fingerprint started to work as expected instantly.
Updated to B.098 myself yesterday and as others in this thread, unlock via fingerprint stopped working. The fingerprint (and face) imprint data on the phone seemed to be unaffected, since all banking apps etc. still allowed me to sign in. It was only the lock screen that was unresponsive in terms of reading the fingerprint AND face unlocking too. Bottom of the lock screen only showed the lock icon, so it didn’t even try to look at my face or use the fingerprint reader.
Aus- und Einschalten unter “Datenschutz & Sicherheit” → “Gerätesuche” → “Mein Gerät finden” birgt aber eine kleine Falle:
Beim Ausschalten von “Mein Gerät finden” wird auch die Option unter “Datenschutz & Sicherheit” → “Mehr Sicherheit und Datenschutz” → “Apps zur Geräteverwaltung” für “Mein Gerät finden” ausgeschaltet.
Wenn danach unter “Datenschutz & Sicherheit” → “Gerätesuche” → “Mein Gerät finden” die Option wieder eingeschaltet wird, wird NICHT die dazu passende Option unter “Apps zur Geräteverwaltung” aktiviert, d.h. ein Fernsperren und Fernlöschen ist nicht mehr möglich, obwohl anderes suggeriert wird!
Quelle des nicht funktionierenden Fingerabdrucklesers ist ausschließlich die Option unter “Datenschutz & Sicherheit” → “Mehr Sicherheit und Datenschutz” → “Apps zur Geräteverwaltung”. Wenn dort die administrativen Rechte für “Mein Gerät finden” abgeschaltet wurden, funktioniert das Entsperren des Handys nicht mehr mit dem Fingerabdruck und zusätzlich auch nicht mehr das Fernsperren und -Löschen!
Letzteres ist in meinen Augen ein absolutes NoGo und kein akzeptabler Workaround.
However, switching it off and on under “Privacy & security” → “Device search” → “Find my device” harbors a small trap:
When “Find my device” is switched off, the option under “Privacy & security” → “More security and privacy” → “Device management apps” for “Find my device” is also switched off.
If the option is then reactivated under “Data protection & security” → “Device search” → “Find my device”, NOT the corresponding option under “Apps for device management” is activated, i.e. remote locking and remote wiping is no longer possible, although it is suggested otherwise!
The source of the non-functioning fingerprint reader is exclusively the option under “Privacy & security” → “More security and privacy” → “Device management apps”. If the administrative rights for “Find my device” have been switched off there, unlocking the phone with the fingerprint no longer works and neither does remote locking and deleting!
In my opinion, the latter is an absolute no-go and not an acceptable workaround.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Can confirm this too as a root cause, tried to re-enable this “Allow Find My Device to lock or erase a lost device” setting and fingerprint and face unlock immediately stopped working if it is enabled.
Apparently going to ““Security and privacy > Device finders > Find My Device” and toggling Find My device off and on revokes the device admin app permissions from find my phone. As after doing that the device admin app menu had the toggle for find my phone as an admin app shown as off. And after you turn find my device back on, it does not re-enable the admin app toggle for that application.
So at this point the only way to have functioning fingerprint and face recognition unlocking, you cannot have Find My Phone with rights to lock or erase the phone. As such the security of the phone is indeed compromised.
On the right while righting this reply it says this thread is marked as solved but that is definitely not the case. This bug needs a fix so that we can have the Find My Phone admin rights enabled and still use fingerprint and face unlock.
Correct. I tried reenabling the option following the path mentioned above, and the issue comes back / unresponsive fingerprint sensor.
I too had problems which were fixed the same way as above.
Had the same issue, but for me, disabling and re-enabling find-my-phone worked.
Can confirm. Build number FP5.UT2K.B.098.20250109
Fingerprint can be configured but don’t work on lockscreen or in high security apps like banking apps.
Fingerprint App unlock needed to be re set up on some apps and continue to work there after, but face and fingerprint phone unlock isn’t working since the update.
Some non high security apps like WhatsApp locked chats continue to work.
Locking the phone via “Find My Device” actually works without having it being activated as a “device admin app”. I just tried to lock my phone from my PC browser and it worked flawlessly. (You can even type in a message and contact number that will be displayed on the special lockscreen on the remote locked phone). I didn’t try the remote factory reset, though, for obvious reasons.
So, it seems to me, that the firmware update added this functionality to “Find my device” without it having to be granted device administration rights - but they forgot to remove this setting altogether which now leads to the lockscreen bug when it’s activated.
But just to repeat myself:
“Find My Device” including remote lock functionality is absolutely working, even when it’s not set as “device admin app”. And once the device admin setting for “Find My Device” is turned off, fingerprint unlock works as it should as well.