FP5 doesnt seem to turn OLED pixels off when displaying a black image/video

Thank you! :smiley: :+1:t3: @michele.g

At first glance I almost could not believe my eyes: After more than 15 months, this major issue has finally been solved. Personally I had lost hope, but - hey! - this is amazing.

I can definitely confirm that for me, this fix has significantly improved the battery consumption of the display. Thatā€™s in particular because I use the app LED Blinker due to the undesired loss of AoD. Now I can actually live with charging only to 80% and still have enough battery life left in the evening, which did not work for me before the latest update.

So as you have successfully solved the display issue - please bring AoD back so that we can use the native Android feature instead of all kinds of workarounds.


Similarly, I just had the dumbest wide grin on my face for like an hour. It really made my day.


And in case you didnā€™t notice it before: The green tint when holding the phone at an angle has also disappeared. And I would like to refer to a video on youtube, where a fairphone employee wanted to destroy this error, which a ā€œtesterā€ published in a fairphone test, with the words ā€œI donā€™t know how ā€˜youā€™ normally hold a cell phoneā€¦ā€ and ended with uncomprehending smile. Comedy Gold like Appleā€™s ā†’ You hold it wrong-Meme!


After barely getting through the day with my FP2 in the past I was happy to find that the FP5 went longer with one charge but it still wasnā€™t amazing compared to other smartphones. With this change you seem to have made a huge step forward in that aspect, im writing this on my phone that was charged to 100% the day before yesterday (finished charging at 11:30 AM) and it currently still has 31% left. So thatā€™s more than two days with my usage. Thanks, keep that spirit up, fix more issues and make the FP5 an even better phone :+1:


Fairphoneā€™s firmware with this fix will also appear in the next update of LineageOS 22 for FP5 (probably on 11 Feb, since current update was yesterday on Feb 4)


EDIT: Itā€™s out as of 11 Feb ~14:00 CET