Flashlight turns off automatically

I also find that this is a bug since I have no information on it and no way to control it.
Thanks for the hint about Button Mapper, I installed it.

Is it fixed in latest OTA update ?

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No, FP says it works as designed. If you disagree, contactsupport :slight_smile:


This is really bad.
I just switched from a fairphone 3+ to a Fairphone 5
I use the flashlight to read in the evening good night stories to my kid.
And now it turns off after a few minutes.

I guess I will need to contract support…

The workaround which was posted here is okay, but I still think this is a bug and not a feature and should be fixed.

And switching to /e/ is nothing I wanna do yet

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I had some discussion with Fairphone and they stated that a third party Flashlight App should be a workaround.

So I downloaded again the old no longer maintained simple mobile tools app from F-Droid and tested again and can confirm it stays on for more than 4minutes and I can use the sleeptimer. Important seems to be, to not use the system flashlight tile in the quick settings but turn on the torch using the App (which has its own quick tile setting).

The current Play Store Simple Mobile Tools app is a no go for me as it comes with 12 Google and Co. Tracker.

The other App mentioned by Fairphone is from Lights app studio and has only 1 Tracker. Still I’m not very willing to install a third oarty app with google tracker to get a basic system function working so I asked again to look into this and prolong the auto turn off time from this weird 4 minutes.


Fossify as the OpenSource-successor of SimpleMobileTools sadly didn’t publish the flashlight app yet. But maybe you could kindly ask them to? :slight_smile:



still not only ignoring bug very dangerous as wel, Last night again in trouble coming back on prepared in the middle of the night.

i have to walk for 20 minutes over a narrow street. no light nothing, just trees and nature.

but still some cars coming past on ridiculous high speed. looks like most people switch there there minds to complete madness when behind the weel. unbelievable. only walking ones there by day and you can tell on the car parts l around some trees next to the road it and op badly often.

only way a speeding car can see me on time is flashing a light in there direction.

and now it happens on exactly that moment the Fairphone dissident to turn of the light dub it was on for 4 minutes.

not something you expect when you buy a multi purpose device like the FP5.

but enough of my complaining…

a solution wat wil work right now will be more effective, it looks like Fairphone don’t think tis is a priority or maybe stil think its not a problem at all.
please all keep reporting this problem to Fairphone if you have trouble whit it as well.

so wat are the solutions we can use right now, except of buying a different phone or having to walk around with a spare ligt al the time just in case and is very easy to use and install.

i’m curious to your opinion and solutions.

button mapper app was mentioned above.
are there daunsides to this app. like advertisment and collecting data from you device?


very basic and work, something i like.
but i can’t check if this app is using data from your phone for whatever reason.
and little falls claim no advertising, it do have ads in the app but you can switch it af in the settings. but after that ist ads free.


for me it have to much nonsenses functions and was already mangend here it uses google trackers.

or maybe are ther payed solutions ho don’t have all unnecessary functions?
i think something like 1 euro will be fair for a simple app.

im curious about your opinion or experience.
so what works best foor you?

Best solution for me at the moment is the simple mobile tools app from F-Droid.

And to know what data/tracker an app uses you can check here



Simple mobile tools got completly removed from f-droid.
Sadly fossify still does not released the flashlight app.

EDIT: simple tools app names are translated to your local language.

Just now…



First post on the forum so the formatting might be off.

Since the Android 14 update I noticed that the torch stays on or at least does not turn off as quickly as it did before.
I haven’t rigorously tested whether the OS version update fixed it, but it feels that way.
Anyone else with the same experience?

Hello and welcome:)
Sorry, cannot confirm, still turning off, after what feels like three minutes or so


Before the update I saw the same behavior, but now it’s on for longer.
I just ran my stopwatch with torch turned on - after 15 mins it was still on (with several minutes both phone locked as unlocked).

Thats not intentded, FP def did not change anything so I guess even if wanted its rather a bug on your phone.


I too cannot confirm. Flashlight enabled using QuickTile is with A14 disabled exactly after 4minutes, as before with A13…

Anyway, flashlight enabled using hotkey assigned in ButtonMapper and set limit to 10minutes is disabled right after 10minutes…

With limit set to Never is flashlight not disabled after 3 hours of lighting, when i disabled it manually, phone not hot, led not hot, only little warm, but same as after 10 seconds of lighting…

Battery drain about 3.3%/hour, but also with PowerAmp streaming internet radio to bluetooth speaker ;⁠-⁠)


I just sent an email to the customer support because what FP does is just impudent prescripting of how to use a fu***** flashlight which is absolutely ridiculous.


My Garmin watch has a flaslight as well, it remains on until the battery is dead or you turn it off.

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