As @Jerry, I would be in for a (big!) mug - I already have too many small ones and it makes it easier to print something nice on it - perhaps with a smaller version of the supply chain (world map) or one of @Stefan’s poster content proposals on it, this could be useful and educational, especially if you take such a mug to work…
As @Inge_van_Leusen already said, I never really need or know where to put stickers and even though I like the idea of raising awareness for the fairphone, I also think it to be much more pollution if such stickers are put around the city. But then, if people like to put them on their laptops and their own stuff, why not.
Postcards would be great as well, same as for the mug: I would prefer a meaningful content to just a logo, and please leave a maximum of the back free to write something on it… I actually still write postcards and do not only put one-liners on them.
As for pens, I would not mind but not sure if I would buy one - wood seems a great choice, however.
Same goes for the T-Shirt, not sure if I need one. It’d depend very much on the “statement” - again a logo alone would not convince me - but apparently a lot of people definitely want T-shirts and just in case, I’d also prefer (organic cotton) fair trade ones.
@Joe: If you put up any of these, provided that we’d like to buy them, could they be sent at the same time as the FP2 for those who ordered one in order to minimize environmental impact by repeated shipping? Could you add such a kind of option to the shop?