Fairphone does not boot up anymore (bluescreen)

Since this morning my fairphone won’t continue booting up beyond the blue Screen (“Fairphone”). It can only be stopped by removing the battery (or pressing “on/off” button together with “loud” -> restore mode)
I tried it several times during the day but I don’t know what to do.
Also my Computer won’t recognize it anymore (I thought I might choose one of these options http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/Fairphone_Fairphone/Guides but as far as I understood it won’t work if I cannot address the phone at all, right?)

Pls help! I’m on a Business trip and are depending on the phone!

If I understand your first sentence correctly you are able to enter recovery mode? In that case, have you tried the solution described here:
https://fairphone.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201453487-Fairphone-does-not-reboot-Frozen-State- ?

Trying a ‘hard reset’ might be the next alternative, but this will erase all data stored on your phone.

Thanks a lot! I’ve tried this - will have to reset the phone completely (hard-brick) :frowning:

I have the same problem since Thursday evening - so my phone won’t boot and stays in the blue fairphone screen.

I already tried the reboot, then manually installed update 1.6 from SD card, but it didn’t work. Now I will also try the hard reset. Did this work for you?

I’ve started the reset ca 6h ago - so far no result, it’s still processing (green Android Robot saying “Erasing”) Really strange…

Hi, I did the hard reset and its working for me. I finally got passed the fairphone screen… Now reinstalling everything again.

Did you do the hard reset? Is the same as the hardbrick you mentioned?

I have had the same problem since yesterday, and i tried to hard reset after reading your thread. But i do not get to the ordinary blue boot up screen, all i get is the dead android with the exclamation mark triangle occasionally blinking. Cant turn off the phone, have to take out the battery. this is after i did the hard reset. what should i do? im kinda panicking here…

Have you followed the instructions here? https://fairphone.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201453487-Fairphone-does-not-reboot-Frozen-State-

I’ve never had to do this myself, but as I understand it you can enter recovery mode (# 3 - # 4) so next step should be # 5, tapping the power button…

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Thats not the one. even though i have tried that! the robot im speaking of is right after i have done my hard reset, and from recovery mode have chosen to reboot my phone. Then i get the resting robot that wont go away unless i remove my battery.

Ah, the ‘resting robot’. Have you tried this, too?

I’ve had the blue screen a lot already… Around every 2 months, my FP needs a hard reset.
Last time, the support desk advised to get a new SIM-card: a card that’s older than 1,5 years can cause these kind of problems.

So, for one month now I have a new SIM. No problems so far…

See also these topics: https://forum.fairphone.com/t/fariphone-doesn-t-turn-on/ and https://forum.fairphone.com/t/fairphone-does-not-boot-anymore about the same kind of problems.

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I received my fair phone about 3 months back. I am really happy with it but this morning the screen decided to turn blue and wouldn’t respond to any buttons. I took the battery in and out few times but i continued to get the blue screen and then it died. I am now trying to charge it…I got the charging screen for a while and it has turned itself on only to be blue again and then just died…is my phone faulty or is there something I can do to get it to respond?

here is a topic wich describes the same problem you have. there are some approaches to solving it there (like try different usb cable), but if they don’t work you should contact support.

I moved your issue to this topic as it deals with blue screens.

Hello everybody,

yesterday I´ve had the same “bluescreen” problem with my fairphone. After several normal reboots I realized that the only solution will be the Hard reset (as here: https://fairphone.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201134418-How-to-perform-a-Hard-Reset-on-my-Fairphone).
However, before doing that I performed a backup from the “Android recovery mode” (last two options in this mode). This process has created a “userdata_yymmdd_hhmmss .backup” file, which I am now dealing with.

After Hard reset I´ve tried to restore my data from the mentioned backup file (in Android recovery mode), unfortunately after the first reboot my phone start with the bluescreen problem again. So I did the Hard reset again and now I have my fairphone with clear memory and all my data saved in 2GB .backup file :smile:

I would like to ask you if sbd from you know how to open this .backup file (most probably in pc) and extract at least contacts from there? (I have nothing saved on google.)

I don´t know if this is an easy case or not. But I´m already for 2 days looking on the internet how to open .backup files and did not find anything… :sweat:

Thank you a lot for any help & wish you better starts of the new year than me :wink:


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My FP has stopped working properly - when I switch it on it freezes on the blue startup screen which says “Fairphone”. It will stay on that screen until the battery has run out - it never goes to sleep. It is impossible to switch it off - the only way I can switch it off is to take the battery out.

I have tried rebooting the phone and have also tried a touch screen test in factory mode. The touch screen does still work according to this test.

I have installed the latest OS update. It was working beautifully before then but after, it was a little slower and more clunky. Also gmail didn’t sync when I switched it on in the morning. I used to have to restart the phone in order to make it sync. I’m not sure if this is related to the current problem but it’s more information and may be useful background. Basically, it stopped working as well after the update and now it has stopped working completely, save for getting to the startup screen.

Please help - is there anything I can try in factory mode? I’d really like to get it working again and not have to send it for repair or get a replacement.

Many thanks!

Have you tried a hard reset, as your phone isn’t booting up you’ll need to use the Step 2 section in the guide.

If this doesn’t work you might need to try reinstalling the FP OS via the flash method as described in this guide

I moved your post (and @Chris_R’s) here to this topic. Please also refer to the other posts in this thread. :slight_smile:

Thanks. I’d like to try this but need to back up my phone before doing anything that will wipe it. However, since the phone doesn’t work, I can’t use any of the standard backup options which require a functioning phone. I’ve seen mentions of back up from recovery mode on the forum. However, I can’t find how to do this. I’m not a technical whizz with phone and my knowledge is very basic so I’m not sure if all this is the correct approach. Thanks

I’m afraid you will have to do a hard reset and loose all your data. I’ve had the same problem several times already.

I would advise to get a backup-app when your phone is working again, so if this happens again, you won’t have lost all your data again (and again. And again…)