Fairphone 4 blocked in Fastboot Mode

Today I get my new Fairphone 4, so I try the iodéOS, as described here I could install it and it works. So after trying it:

  1. I turn off again the phone
  2. locked the bootloader in Fastboot Mode.
  3. Restart the phone
    And now I’m completely stuck in the Fastboot Mode.
    I can’t go in Recovery Mode from Fastboot Mode
    I can’t open Recovery Mode with Volume UP + Power
    I tried from adb Fastboot flashing unlock —> It return:
    FAILED (remote: 'Flashing Unlock is not allowed
    fastboot: error: Command failed

I try the batch found here to flash the original version again:
But it also stop because the flashing is locked…

So how can I force the recovery mode?
Or how can I force the Fastboot flashing unlock ?

Thanks in advance!

I’m sorry, but it sounds like you bricked your phone like it’s mentioned in this topic (it does not only apply to /e/OS…):

If so then there’s currently no other known solution than contacting FP support and trying to have it repaired for about 30€.

Are you sure you’d correctly flashed avb_custom_key like e.g. mentioned here:

Thank for your answer, with all I read until now, it really seems like this…
And this confirm it:
fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability
(bootloader) get_unlock_ability: 0
OKAY [ 0.002s]
Finished. Total time: 0.003s

So I will contact the FP Support, but maybe someone else have good news!?

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No, no change.
Its about 40 days waiting

<@fairphonehulk:matrix.org> how long did you wait for?

Took 22 days to get a response from support with a shipping label and 18 days to get the phone back after shipping it

So I did the same mistake, to follow instructions and lock. Now I have a 579€ brick :frowning:

Have a look at the other topic I’ve linked above and contact support.

Phone is already gone as I smashed it. It’s me being an idiot and break perfectly fine device, I am not worth it to have such a good phone. Back to dumbphones.

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