Fairphone 2 production and delivery thread

I got mine yesterday, there was an issue because I had changed the delivery address but they were planning to send it to the old one (I could not have access it in a couple more days) so I phone DHL and agreed to pick it up from their distribution center myself, just a little help for the Three Wise Men (today is the day we exchange Christmas presents in Spain), so overall, perfect time and I am really happy with it! Thanks Fairphone team!


@grun when did you Change your Shipping Address? Because i did too in the beginning of December?!

yes, around that time too, when we got an email suggesting that option since it was clear they would not ship the phones before Christmas. Actually, in Shop I can see the new address but in the order it keeps the old one, maybe that was the problem. If you have not get it yet maybe Fairphone people can change it for you.

You’re right. I can’t even Change the address in the “order” because it jumps to the already changed Default shipping address…I already wrote to the Support…


Where can we find the info about the amount of FP2’s already ordered?
And how can I know the rank of my order?

Thanks a lot :smile:


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The amount of Fairphones shipped is prominently displayed on fairphone.com.

Phones are shipped in the same order they were ordered. Your order number is an indicator when your Fairphone will be on the way.

Hi Brenda,

I think it’s likely to be the end of January (I ordered mine in Sept with order roughly number 17000 and I don’t expect that for at least 2 weeks yet). In terms of an average lead time, I don’t think that’s really possible (or useful at least) yet because they’re still shipping pre-ordered phones (so the vast majority will have a huge time period between payment and delivery because they paid before the phones were even made). Hope that makes sense.

3498 Fairphones shipped (2016-01-06, 13:11). So only 314 Fairphones were shipped yesterday. I have not heard from my Fairphone yet, my e-mail inbox is empty.

@Brenda: I think the number of ordered FP is not known (to us), they just counted the number of preordered phones. As long as these aren’t delivered I fear you won’t get your phone, so it’s hard to guess when urs will be shipped …

I just called with Fairphone. The covers Blue Matte and Blue Translucent are arrived in The Netherlands :slight_smile: .
At the end of this week some people will have their Fairphone 2 with the covers I just mentioned.
If you live outside of the Netherlands, it will probably arrive next week.


The counter shows 4000.

Also, there is a new update: All back cover colours are in stock now so tomorrow on Thursday the stalled orders with blue translucent back covers will be shipped and on Friday the orders with blue matte back covers.

(I have still not heard about my FP2 black matte #3773, but when 4000 Fairphones are shipped, then also my Fairphone should be on the move.)

Do you think they will ship every stalled order, so that the orders of the blue FPs will have caught up on Friday evening?

On monday 4th Joe stated: "In one week’s time, there should be a grand total of 9,200 phones being shipped out to owners or packed in our distribution center."
So that would mean that all orders that where holding back because of a blue cover have been shipped and from then on it should be by delivery number no matter which colour cover you have.

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Hey yesterday I got my email informing me that my fairphone is sent… :smile: mais je l’ai déjà depuis 1 semaine et 4 heures(oups sorry I meant I already have it for a week and 4 hours)…!!! Nice


Could someone please explain what order status “Prepare batch” means? I’m sure this has been discussed already somewhere here but I couldn’t find any hints about that.

Thx and sorry for the noise :wink:

It’s the step just before packing with the back cover etc. Mind you ‘Prepare batch’ doesn’t give you any clue on which time your Fairphone will go into packing. As I have order status ‘Prepare batch’ for several weeks now.
My delivery number is 140 with blue translucent cover.

So the phone is already been assembled and shipped to the Netherlands waiting to be paired with the back cover, right?
I’m order number 12700-something with black translucent cover. So I guess the process leading to final delivery will take some more time :smirk:

Anyway thanks for clarifying.

I was still able to change my delivery address in the ‘prepare batch’-state on Monday (delivery nr 41xx, blue matte). I hope that didn’t mess up anything. I expect my Fairphone next week after reading todays blog update :smile:

I think the Fairphones will arrive in the Netherlands like this:

Source: Fairphone 2 production and delivery countdown! - Fairphone

As I see, the Fairphone is already assembled, but without battery and back cover. The FP2 will arrive at you with assembled battery (which you have to take out to install the SIM card(s)), but the back cover is separate in the package.

You can look at the counter, because all back cover colours then are available. So your phone will be shipped when the counter is at 12700 (minus the cancelled orders).

I got a reply from Fairphone support (translated from Dutch):

The serialnumber will be added in the shop automatically, however this is not implemented yet.
It will appear in the shop soon.