Fairphone 2: File Transfer to Windows 7 PC Can't Access All Photos

Dear all,

I have the following problem: I would like to transfer my large “Camera” folder to create some free space on my Fairphone (Fairphone 2, Android 6.0.1) to my computer (Windows 7 with up to date ADB driver). However, for some reason, when I try to access the camera folder in any mode (MTP or Photo), it only displays a fraction of the total photos and videos (74 out of almost 2000), roughly from the last month (the “oldest” ones I can acces are from June 22nd). Apparently, this is only the case for this one specific folder, all the others I have tried (Downloads, Music…) seem to be fully accessible.

I have searched a lot for the past 1 1/2 hours but could not find any solutions to my problem. Do you have any ideas what could be going wrong? Is there any place in the “Settings” where I can grant my computer access to all of my media?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Andre,

Do you feel comfortable to use the command line on your Pc a bit? There is a very stable way to copy/move files we could try that involves an Android Development Tool. I do this often on Mac and Linux.

Let me know if you think you would like to try that and we will be here to help you.

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Hi there,

I have the same weird problem. Any explanation?

Somebody had this problem with a Nexus 5, but solved it using a very generic way that might work for you, too:


“1. copying all files to a new folder
2. delete the DCIM/CAMERA folder
3. let Camera App create the deleted folder (I take a photo to trigger this)
4. copy back all files from the folder in #1 to DCIM/CAMERA folder”

Worth a shot?


Thank you for your reply! In my case, the problem is that my phone’s is pretty much completely used up and I do not have enough space to copy 20 GB of photos to some other folder, so I think this approach does not work for me…

Dear Ben,

well I use the command line almost never on a Windows PC but often on Linux, so I would say that I do feel comfortable a bit. So what do I need to do?

PS: Sorry for the late reply!

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Try to install ADB on your PC, then enable the Developer Options and then USB-Debugging on your FP2 (http://www.androidauthority.com/enable-developer-options-569223/). On Windows, you might need special drivers for ADB to work, i do not know, using Linux and macOS only.

You can then use
adb pull PATH
to load files to your PC.

You can use the small info icon when viewing a photo in Google Photos to get the path. You can downlaod full at once with ADB. For me, the following downloads all Pictures i took on my FP2 with the Google Camera:
adb pull /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera


On Windows, Minimal ADB and Fastboot is the easiest way to get this running.


To me, this points to an issue in the the media database stored on the phone (which is used to communicate to the computer which files are on the device). If there isn’t enough space on the device for the copy method, forcing a rebuild of the indexes by deleting the app data and cache for the ‘media storage’ and/or ‘external storage’ should have the same effect (additionally, a reboot may be required). The index will then need to be rebuilt, which costs time and battery (and some space - make sure your storage isn’t absolutely full), so results may take a while.


Interesting. As for exactly how to do this:

Thank you! I am really glad to have solution, I was already afraid there is none. this is quite simple but works for me ! thank you!


I’m having this same issue, and I am trying to free up memory - The only issue is, I’m not a computer techy, so everything mentioned thus far has gone right over might head - Any idiots guides you can point me in the direction of? Thanks.


Thanks so much! Clearing and resetting the media storage worked fine. This saved me a lot of time and trouble. Merci beaucoup :slight_smile:


I did copy the DCIM directory on the phone and even in this way, the photos are not there!

so, if I delete the DCIM folder now, I am scared I am going to lose all the photos…

Discussion continues here: