Call problems while loudspeaker is activated

Hi there,

I have the exact same issue since I bought the Fairphone 4 a few years ago.
I went through all the troubleshooting process, tried to tweak settings and even got a new loudspeaker part sent by Fairphone to replace the one in my device, but it changed nothing.

It really is an annoying issue regarding a functionnality that should be considered basic and fundamental in a smartphone. Seeing that a lot of people have the same issue should make it a lot higher on the priority list.

Considering the situation with this issue that has been ongoing for years, the numerous posts on the forums and the fact that there has been no communication from the company regarding the fact that they could be working on a fix makes it impossible to recommend a Fairphone to anyone I know that’s looking for a new phone, which is disappointing to say the least.

I really hope that they’re going to do something about it in the near future…


I’m so happy that there are people having the same problem.
So at least I’m not alone.
I will send this link to the support of Fairphone, maybe this will help to put some more "pressure " for finding a solution



Just an idea that occurred to me when reviewing the FP4 Public Issue Tracker, which lists a known but unsolved bug “Low microphone quality” linked to Google app permissions.

On my phone, I have disabled the Google app and so am not concerned, but neither do I experience the Loudspeaker mode call problem discussed here.

You might want to try the work-around (i.e. inhibit Google app’s access to the microphone).

[Edit: I have performed a test after re-enabling the Google app but have not reproduced the problem, though the other caller does experience some breaks in reception from the FP4 when they enable their own Speaker mode. I think that problem is unlikely to have anything to do with this one, though…]


Thanks for your reply and help.
I tried it but no improvement.

Hello all,

No news yet.
Last update was on June 21, 2024 09:27.
I contacted them several times now but no respond.

I’m quite disappointed with Fairphone now.
I payed over 500€ for this phone and now I’m experiencing this kind of customer support.
I thought Fairphone wants to be a better company then the other phone manufacturers but the customer support I experienced at Nokia, LG and Motorola was better.
I don’t get it, when a company is doing everything in the marketing to be displayed as a better and different phone manufacturer but if there a problems occurs the customer will just be treated like it’s just a customer.
I really like this kind of phone and I accepted that this phone is “not worth” this price when I compare the hardware to other phones in this price range.
I bought this phone because I like the concept of this company and that I can repair my phone by my own, except software issues.

But with this customer support experience, I have the feeling they don’t take me serious and this is quite disappointing.

Although I understand conversation with CS can sometimes be a bit annoying, we are just customer, what else should we be?

Fairphone is displaying itself as a unique company and wants to convice us to join their journey and to hop onto the train.
They put a lot of effort into this kind of marketing to convice the people.
We customers accept that we get a phone which “is not worth the price” but deal with it because the concept of Fairphone is really really good.
But all in all they should take the whole chain serious and not end at the customer in my opinion.

And I really don’t get your statement “we are just customer”.
If no one buy your product you will fall as fast as you came out.
So the customer is the most important thing in this highly contested B2C Smartphone market.
Especially if you have the global players like Samsung as a competitor.
So Fairphone should also take a look at this.

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Well thats what marketing is…attracting people with shiny whatever…

And yes we are customer nothing more and nothing less and I dont expect anything different from FP support than from other support, because I think it doesnt matter what I paid or what the company else stands for.

So while I agree that conversation with CS sometimes is challenging, I dont have special expectations towards Fairphone, thus I’m not frustrated that my expectations are not met.

Did you contact them via Chat already? This seem to be helpful to speed things up

Edit reg the issue itself. There is a very old very long topic combining all sorts of calling issues, and normally the hardware tests dont reveal anything failing

All right my fellow readers,

Fairphone offered me a new Fairphone 4 but I don’t think this will solve my problem.
The replacement of the microphone didn’t solve it too so why a new Fairphone 4 shouldn’t have the same problem, since this is a well known problem.

Well I’m waiting for a reply now.

Best Regards


Well Fairphone really sent me a new phone.
But as I expectet the problem also occurs with the new phone.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Problèmes d’appel lorsque le haut-parleur est activé