I had this issue with android 9. Fixed by opening the dialler app, then /settings/calling accounts/Telekom(my operator)/GSM call settings/Additional settings/Caller ID/Show number
I’m connected on 4G most of the time but I guess my SIM doesn`t allow VoLTE so when I make a call it falls back to GSM/UMTS.
Not sure why network default isn`t to send the caller ID but this helped.
Danke, Thomas. Interessanterweise scheint sich diese Einstellungsseite bei mir nicht zu finden. Wenn ich nach Anrufer-ID oder Spam suche, komme ich nur zu einer Konfiguration, um die Standard-App für Anrufer-ID und App einzustellen. Das war bei mir offenbar nicht die normale Telefon-App. Hab ich jetzt eingestellt, dennoch erschien nirgendwo das, was oben in Deinem Screenshot steht…
Vielen Dank nochmals. Hab das jetzt so gefunden, interessant, dass das über die Suchfunktion nicht ausgegeben wird. Dort war das aber ohnehin korrekt eingestellt, dennoch, bei neuerlichem Test, keine Anrufer-ID übermittelt, wenn LTE eingeschaltet ist. Es muss weiterhin der oben beschriebene Bug (in Kombination mit meinem Provider) sein. Im Support-Ticket dazu wurde mir bestätigt, dass die FP-Entwickler weiterhin dran arbeiten.
Schönes WE!
ich habe gerade mein Handy auf Deutsch geschaltet. Bei mir liegt es hier:
Phone App / drei Punkte / Einstellungen / Anrufkonten / (dein Operator Name,z.B. Telekom) / GSM Anrufeinstellungen / Zusätzliche Einstellungen / Anrufer ID
Vielleicht ist das bei jede Operator anders. Keine Ahnung.
My issues with unknown caller are back again today after the latest update which reading the details says it makes a changed to the VoWiFi provisioning process.
Some users reported that with this update it is no longer possible to set VoWiFi preference when connected to an LTE carrier. Have you tried airplane mode (with WiFi enabled, expecting an established WLAN connection of course)?
Yeah, with no mobile networks enabled and just of WiFi I can receive a call so it’s definitely using VoWiFi setting
I have access to all the settings, so can confirm when I disabled both VoWiFi and VoLTE, the problem stops - it’s only when taking calls through one of these two methods that I get unknown caller appear
Seeing this myself, on mine and my partner’s FP3s. Bit of a problem really as we have moved to an area that has poor signal, and so are relying on Wifi calling.
After my FP3+ was upgraded to 0066 im hardly ever have problems with not being able to se the caller. I am also relying on VoWLAN. This is actualy one of the very few problems that was solved at least for me.
I’m not aware of the option you chose to downgrade and you don’t mention which version you were and are now using, would you be so kind as to elaborate
I’m more than happy with my FP3+, but still those little things are annoying :
-Cannot lock the exposure in video mode with the stock app (it works with GCam though)
-WiFi calls are enabled, but the icon is not always here
-Notifications are pausing my music, I’m not sure it’s a bug but this should definitely be automatic