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In the meantime my FP5 does not adjust itself to 0 in a dark room and only to 6%. Havent tried resetting brightness as suggested by @k3dAR in another topic I can live with this 6% and can still adjust manually to 0.
Still I assume a third party app might not be needed when using, dark mode and extra dark and maybe even night light as filter. @Renat did you try?
I just want to check if people still experience this issue. I still do. FP support said that within 2 weeks the auto brightness learns your preferences. This is of course true for most Android phones such as the Pixel. But this was never the case with a FP device. I still have to fight the auto brightness, especially in low light environments. There is no noticeable auto learning.
So, has anyone seen the brightness go to 0% in low light environments after manually adjusting this for 2 weeks? I’ve been doing it for more than a year now…
I own a FP5, bought 6 months ago. When in totally dark rooms, the brightness stops to some % (I don’t remember the exact value). I set the brightness to 0% and after one second it returns to some %. When I put the brightness to 0% again, the second time, the value seems more stable.
I performed a factory reset and it seems to work again like it did during the last few updates of Android 13. It now consistently goes down to 0% in a low light environment. Of course this doesn’t fix the issue for people still experiencing it. Maybe something went wrong with the upgrade path to Android 14? Also with DC Dimming it still seems usable. I’ve been testing for a week now.
I have a brand-new phone with the same issue. It’s simply unusable with the screen that blinds me every time I’m in a dark room. I don’t know if it makes sense to do a factory reset; I bought the phone a few days ago.
Is the brightness going to 0%? Because if it does than the problem is that the 0% is not low enough for your eyes. I have the same, the FP screen is at the lowest setting still quite bright. But I don’t think they’ll fix that. Best is to contactsupport and explain the issue. Maybe one day they will fix it properly, but likely they will shift their attention to the FP6 by then.
The brightness remains fine at 0% with Extra Dim enabled, but it occasionally increases unexpectedly. This seems to occur because the light sensor detects the screen’s reflection in the room. I notice it’s changing when the screen displays lighter colors.