Auto screen brightness doesn't work in low light again (Android 14 Update)

I moved your post to this topic.

Please note you are not reporting an issue here officially to Fairphone, this is only possible via their customer support. The forum is rather a user forum.

I removed the serialnumber.

Btw your system is not up to date.

In the meantime my FP5 does not adjust itself to 0 in a dark room and only to 6%. Havent tried resetting brightness as suggested by @k3dAR in another topic I can live with this 6% and can still adjust manually to 0.

Still I assume a third party app might not be needed when using, dark mode and extra dark and maybe even night light as filter. @Renat did you try?


I just want to check if people still experience this issue. I still do. FP support said that within 2 weeks the auto brightness learns your preferences. This is of course true for most Android phones such as the Pixel. But this was never the case with a FP device. I still have to fight the auto brightness, especially in low light environments. There is no noticeable auto learning.

So, has anyone seen the brightness go to 0% in low light environments after manually adjusting this for 2 weeks? I’ve been doing it for more than a year now…


I am still experiencing the issue.

I own a FP5, bought 6 months ago. When in totally dark rooms, the brightness stops to some % (I don’t remember the exact value). I set the brightness to 0% and after one second it returns to some %. When I put the brightness to 0% again, the second time, the value seems more stable.

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Hi. I had this prob 18 months ago and switching off DC Dimming solved it

DC dimming is switched off for me, but I still have the problem described by @UPPERCASE

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Adaptive brightness could indeed be more buggy with DC Dimming and randomly jump in percentages. But this is a different issue. See topic title.

Latest patch, still have this issue

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