Thanks a lot
I will try and report.
It is working again!
Thank you @harald and @AlbertJP !
I do have two alternative APNs now, one for IPv4 and one for IPv6 and can switch between both.
With IPv4 i can connect now.
I will approach my car dealer with this finding and have him contact VW.
Best regards,
You’re welcome!
From what I read, Android 9 and 10 should still include the clatd translator for NAT64 services. Without it, Android apps that aren’t IPv6-compatible will also stop working.
Could you raise an issue with Fairphone Support about this just to get this clarified?
If someone can confirm that FP3 Android 9 and/or the FP2 indeed translate IP addresses on the Deutsche Telekom network, the issue can be added to this list.
Interesting. On my phone with mobile data, the test IPV6 site says there’s no IPV6 support. Zero!
I’m on O2 UK.
My VW Passat cannot access the internet through the FP3 hotspot but another phone can use the hotspot.
@jarvis my car dealer installed the latest software version before I started my own investigation.
You may want to double check, whether you have the most recent version as well.
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