Would you join a free, open and decentralized Twitter replacement for Fairphone users?

26 reply’s…I think that’s an answer right there.

Sorry had to edit…ghost was acting up

Why not just use Lemmy instead? There’s already a community there on the lemmy.ml instance.

You already asked that. Here is my answer:

Then why have a Fairphone instance on a Twitter-alternative like Mastodon?

Also, the reason I commented twice was because the first time was in response to another commenter and I wanted to make sure people saw my comment.

Why not? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

While Mastodon certainly has a more reasonable character limit than Twitter, it still has a character limit. Brevity is great, but only up to a point.

Our instance will have a 5000 character limit.

For me the answer simply is: because the WeAreFairphone account on Mastodon needs a new home.


I think you are missing the point. Mastodon is used for completely different types of interactions than Discourse or Lemmy.

Why should there be more than this user forum at all?

I don’t want to register on a bunch of platforms to collect all information. A web site with contact options and this forum should be enough.


Yeah, why do we have villages when I live perfectly fine in a large city? Why trains or bicycles, I own a car? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Sorry but I can’t see any relevance in your post.

Do I have to own a car, a bicycle, a train ticket and a scooter to have all information about a product I own or want to buy? It’s a pain in the ass already, reading about official statements of Fairphone on twitter cited by someone here, that I can’t find on the web site. Or reading that to get faster or better support to contact a random company by Facebook or WhatsApp.

There should be support and information on standard, open platforms, no need to apply for any other niche platform I have to install or sign up to.


I don’t really understand your reasoning. Mastodon is an open platform. And it’s absolutely optional, the same way this forum is. The only truly official source of information is Fairphone’s website and possibly their official social media accounts.

But if it’s absolutely redundant, so why to put any effort in it?

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Like I said, the kind of interactions that happen on Mastodon (or Twitter for that matter) are completely different than here on the forum. It’s just a different style of communication, often suited for completely different people. Thus, I don’t find it redundant.

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I also wished all Fairphoners would sign up here in the Community Forum. I have actually gone at lengths to almost push my local Fairphoners to do so (see in the list of groups in this forum). But not everyone’s willing to, and we cannot force them. I have a few persistent holdouts locally as well, and they will only get an email once or twice a quarter (and each and every of these emails includes a link to our forum home aachen.fairphone.community :wink: and an invitation to our forum group)

Both Ingo and I keep posting links directly to this forum on the WeAreFairphone Mastodon and Twitter accounts. And at times, when I or other meetup hosts get our upcoming events put on the Fairphone website community events calendar, we sometimes even leave out vital information like the venue, deliberately requiring page visitors to follow our link – to our local community topic here (admittedly, sometimes it’s also because details are subject to change, but the static website very much requires your main information to be put up there as early in advance as possible).

So I do think this place remains the heart of the community, but I also agree that we need to be active in other places as well to make aware of what’s going on in the community and encourage them to follow it. A bit of movement towards where other Fairphoners are is ok in my eyes, we are definitely not duplicating a lot though. Wherever possible, I strive to keep a forum topic the actual anchor of information :slight_smile:


I have to learn to not react to other opinions that are of no relevance to me, no matter how out of world/time I find them. It’s not like you’re actively hindering people from making their own choices, right?

I do agree that the forum is the best place to get help from the community. And I tend to refer people here if I see questions on any of the other platforms I’m on.

Other than that I leave it at “if you don’t want to use it, just don’t and that’s fine”.

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If someone wants to talk in a private chat about Fairphone, go ahead.
For me it’s a problem, if information or support is not supplied in an open way, but on a platform that is only used by a small group of people.

It was already discussed here, that information about updates, bug trackers and so on are not published on the web site, but only in the forum, which is not used by every customer. If that will be fragmented more and more, because something is published on Twitter, something else on Mastodon, something on the next new hot stuff in the social media market, then it is not ok for me personally.


Alright, the instance is up and running, feel free to join →

Let’s close this topic now and continue at WeAreFairphone on Mastodon.