Wireless charging for the FP1?

Is there an optional ‘wireless charging’ device (battery/back-cover) available?
When thinking about the many, many times the USB-connector has to go in and out it surely must wear and break one day?

Hi @Rob_van_der_Does

not yet as far as I know.

Would be an interesting option, but the USB connector shouldn’t be a problem anyway.



Hi @Rob_van_der_Does

I wouldn’t expect this to happen any time soon and would probably require a fair bit of development that I can’t see FP being able to do right now given the relative size/scale.

In terms of wear I’ve not broken a connector for USB or any other type from overuse on any device I’ve owned previously, so I can’t imagine this being a problem.

Maybe a 3rd-party would/could do so?
And it’s not only about wear, it’s also about comfort. Just lay the phone on the charger within reach and you’re done.

This is really really really unrealistic for FP1. For FP2 continue reading here: