Why is wireless charging not included in FP4

No, you didn’t. It has a flashlight, two to be exact. Just not a notification LED.


There is a momentum to save energy and the wireless charging was not seen as favourable.

True as it may be but
a) I don’t think it’s such a big deal and
b) It is avaluable consumer issue as you note.

My take is that the push is for more people to buy fairtrade minerals and to pay the workers more. If that uses more electricity then so be it.

Anyway fairtrade just means the workers have more money to spenf on cosumerism which will be far more damaging to the environment than a bit of extra electricity consumption.

So whereas Fairphone have there values I think it gets lost in this ‘environmental’ concern.

Fairtrade is my focus and why I bought the fairphone, with or without wireless charging.

Oh hi there. I did not mean it to be taking that “agressive” turn… but once you have been knocking down the same red-herring arguments from “dark greens” focussing on all the wrong issues one becomes a bit agitated with how little of the woods people end up seeing from the trees. I did not mean to hurt anyone’s feelings in the process but Fairphone should feel their cage rattled a bit because quoting that article about how cable charging choice from manufacturers is going to save the World is one google search away and this is precisely as much thought as went into the decision to ship people usb ports at extreme carbon footprint instead of just allowing for wireless charging to happen. Superficial decision in my opinion made along the lines: “Let’s see what the kids are into these days and co-opt that”.

The article though makes some fair points about waste management such as coca cola should not ship water around the globe when it could just sell as concentrate in cans and that the blame should not be placed with the consumer who effectively can only buy what is offered… by offering harmful things one leaves the consumer little choice.

There is however the comparison(which is why I linked the electric usage chart) that the general carbon footprint daily of a single person is magnitudes more than the wasted electricity by inductive charging(btw… has anyone asked the electric provider that their transformers are so wasteful they should really know better :D) So the “it adds up” argument is a red herring that distracts from the fact that I decide to not cook one day and I immediately saved myself 3 years of wirelesss charging “allowance”… but I do intend to cook tomorrow as well.

The problem with “smart” people sometimes is their removal from practical reality makes them make this sort of argument. Yes it technically stands… it adds up… in a vacuum where there aren’t any practicality and logistics problems immediately incinerating your supposed energy savings. This is the reason some of us(I definitely include me) argue for this with such a passion because it fits the sad cliche: “This is why we can’t have nice things” because somewhere someone had an excel sheet and made a superficial observation.

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Then not let’s use the word ‘should’ a controlling word. :slight_smile:

Totaly the consumers responsibility they don’t have to buy coke or a phone :frowning:

A great example of how the excuse of compnaies is put on the consumer which of course is exactly the point. But if you are poor you work in the mines for nothing.

Really got the point there :slight_smile:

I wonder if this post is a direct response to me, as generally I agree with your passion but there is no blame.

This is a question of ethics and human business not a moral issue, hence what you see as a problem is your problem, a problem you create.

Human ‘rights’ are priviledeges, even if people think they were given by ‘god’
They are hard fought and won assets, always at the expense of another. The other is an indivdual person used, not a company, a species or any part of the ‘god’ almighty environment.

So your arguments are fine, I would be equaly happy if all phones had wireless charging or there were no phones at all, actually maybe the latter :slight_smile:

Come on man coke was just one of the million examples I could have used… it is not the consumer’s responsibility if the cucumber is wrapped in plastic or if every store in the vicinity packs tomatoes in plastic… you will not have a choice. But the plastics industry would gaslight everyone to carry the guilt for not selecting out their non-recyclable packaging well enough.

But energy losses in wireless charging and plastic waste are 2 separate issues and should not be conflated for some cheap argument. This is what many do not understand. The plastic waste problem is mostly separate from the emissions problems and is separate from the power usage…

Singling out a phone with insignificant power use for saving the world is not only arbitrary it is also illogical as the phone benefits greatly from Qi charging(in cross platform standard connectivity, longer equipment lifecycle… can’t remember when I last bought a cable or charger,) while nobody benefits from living in F energy rated houses and blowing all that heat straight out through the cracks. We pick the tree and miss the forest.


I’m a consumer I chose what to buy.

Industry does no such thing but individual do, isn’t this what the authors on this forum do, blame other people to hide themselves.

Bob Marley
" While your busy pointing fingures others are judging you "

Buy in or don’t buy. Turn on ~ tune in ~ and drop out and if you are able or prepared then leave others to their indulgences. To buy a phone with wireless charging or make one without.

But back to the focus : fairtrade

but I won’t respond to further comments. if I’m not understood that’s commonand totaly expected. Good night :slight_smile:

You can grow your own vegetables. :smiley: I managed to grow tomatoes on my balcony.

Is it really necessary to integrate it directly into the phone? You can buy a Qi charging pad, connect it to the USB port, print a custom case, and voilà, you have wireless charging. Most people use a case anway.

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Just because you can grow tomatoes on your balcony(something I am also indulging in btw. because I like it) good for you but the vast majority of city dwellers buy food the way it is offered in the corner store. And no you do not have a choice(what if your balcony is in shades + it does not cover your needs let alone that of others).

The connect custom case and other non-starters are sensible on the outset but once you understand how the charging cycle is regulated you will realize that USB does not offer this low-level integration. The OS has to support it, the protocol would need to be piped through the sensors would be required… if it is efficiency we are looking for the more tightly it is integrated the better it will get and what would be required from Fairphone to support that it would be already 80% of the effort for a sub-standard solution. I am reasonable though… I would be happy if they offered the pins on the back for a QI charging back cover the way the Samsung note 4 did. That was great but in doing so the OS and the firmware of the phone had wireless charging factored in in its design. This is not that easy to patch in afterwards and also I am no longer a student I do not have time to sysadmin my phone all day… it needs to be stable and that is something that my S10e delivers in spades. It regularly reaches muti-months uptimes by the time an update will prompt it to reboot. It is remarkably stable out of the gate.

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Wireless charging is not available for FP4 and will never be.
You can make your vote for next comming model here:

maybe someone from Fairphone with the authority to make decisions will read it and your request will be granted.
For the FP4 at least:
Alea iacta est

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I didn’t…

My point was written out in the following sentences, of the same post, was it really that hard to find?

And when you mention and try to explain this issue you receive all but crap replies…

Keep it up Zoltan. :+1:

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I still can’t follow you. I cited the sentences where you said, that every customer has to buy new headphones and you still insist, that you didn’t say that.
I guess a further discussion on this doesn’t make any sense, if you don’t stand to your words.

It would be nice to have a good & polished modification (connected charging pad + something) for this. I don’t really buy the charging efficiency rationalization at all and think there’s significant advantages to wireless charging that offset it. Avoiding mechanical wear of the charging port completely is just really convenient and likely to make that component last much longer.

Transferring power wirelessly isn’t efficient at all. Multiply that with a few billion phones and it becomes a luxury we cannot effort, ecologically. It also wears out your battery faster due to the heat it generates.


True but I have USB ports on ten year old phones that haven’t failed, yet.

Charging daily at 4W some 1.5KW year. Modern such chargers may loose 25% to the environment, so maybe 1 Watt per charge.

Conversions are always questionable. only 25% of the energy a human uses supports the brain, so if we get rid of the body we can save a lot of veggies, and if we put consciousness on a chip even more.

So how to keep the chip ‘alive’

  • tethered to cable
  • running on a rechargeable battery or
  • wireless charging straight from sunlight.

It’s pretty clear which way ‘we’ are going.

Efficiency isn’t the same as waste. Sure the energy used is energy used, it is never lost or wasted.

Right, but as I said the other side of the coin is having to replace parts that have worn out which is pretty likely to be even more resource intensive. Haven’t seen any estimates but I do find it at least possible that they could end up failing often enough for it to be the larger problem.

Have you seen the USB-C module? It can probably be made out of a few recycled cans. We’re talking about wasting energy on a large scale on a daily basis. While also wearing out chemical batteries faster. Wireless charging is a “convenience” we really cannot effort. Our global efforts are to become more sustainable, not the opposite :slight_smile:


When it come to consuming resources, and not about consiming the consumers time, it’s negilagble if not irrelevant.

The use of wireless charging is for convenience, exactly the same reason we have phones and cars and washing machines, none of which are very ‘efficient’

However the resource that each of us knows is how much time we spent plugging in a charger and it’s less effort laying it on a pad. Save time, which to most people is worth the extra few pence sepnt of electricity, and just maybe those few minutes will allow people to worry less, which means better health and less demand on other resources. It may even although a bit more thinking outside the box, not carrying cables everywhere, once the pads are common.

I van think of an infinte amount of ways people like the idea but few of detriment ~ just trying to think of one . . . . Oh! I require a charging pad . . . but I can get rid of multiple chargers and cables . . . so that’s not it.

So what problem will the user have . . . getting rid of all those cables and chargers, what a pain.

That’s it. having to get rid of all the junk I have puts me off buying a wireless charger so I’m happy the FP4 doesn’t have one and when I buy my FP9 with a wireless charger, guess what, I’ll be happy with that too. :slight_smile:

Oh not again… the problem never was the material cost… it was the shipping the stupid charge port to you no power saved the moment it happens…

Anyway… we have been through this… Fairphone and their people do not see reason and until such time they do we can call them failphone and buy something equally as polluting as theirs but at least nice and logical to use. I think I must unsub from this thread because we are stuck in a time loop here. Bye everyone :slight_smile:

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I think the reason why people are upset about this reality is because it means the gimmick they love suddenly isn’t that intuitive anymore.

If the billions of phones in this world would charge “wirelessly” it would add 50% more energy usage. And it would cut battery lifetimes short. So in this “timeline” we should look for ways to be more efficient. Not the opposite.