Why do I have to accept Google ToS?


I just received my brand new Fairphone 4. So I tuned it on, and followed the required steps:

  • Start => ok
  • Insert a sim => Skip (I’ll do that later)
  • Copy apps & data => Don’t copy
  • Sign with your Google account => No thank you (skip)
  • Are you sure you don’t want to share all your private data with Google => Yes, I’m pretty sure…
  • Accept Google ToS? => Mandatory step.

WTF? I refused every step involving Google and disabled everything (location, scanning, diagnostic data). And I still have to accept Google Terms of Service? Why?

I don’t intend to use anything from Google (except Android obviously, since Lineage will probably not be available any time soon). Will my beloved Fairphone send my personal data behind my back? Why is it google-infested by default and why have we no other out-of-the-box alternative?

I don’t suppose I can revoke anything once accepted (except by installing Lineage OS)?

This is very disappointing. I don’t remember having that mandatory step with my previous Fairphone 2. That said maybe my memory is not that good.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Finalising the setup wizard without consenting to Google’s TOS