Why can't I set my shipping options to America for the fairphone 4?

Hi and welcome to the forum.

You can for example buy from an authorised reseller in the EU or UK and be covered by a 5 year warranty if you buy before 31st Dec 2022.

See three posts above for links.

All the best

I just got my fairphone 4 and it works fine on t-mobile


I have wanted a modular phone forever now. I’m no longer interested in buying a new phone every year. Do you plan to sell in the US market anytime in the future?


Hi Dennis, welcome to the community. I moved your post to one of the many US related. You will find further links above or via search function


Just note, this us a user forum only for official FP statment you would need to contact support #contactsupport

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Keep in mind that the most sustainable phone is the one you already own. I assume that your current phone is less than a year old, so keeping it for anothter three years is much more sustainanble than buying a new Fairphone now.


Hi Dennis and welcome.

You may, by now, have gathered this is a community forum and so not the people that can officially answer your query. However there appears to be no imminent plan of Fairphone to sell to customers directly outside of ‘Europe’ as they define it.

However there are resellers, in the Uk for example, that will sell to anyone internationally. They can then benefit from the warranty vis the reseller.

Still this every year thing.

I imagine people who buy a new phone every year do so to have the latest hardware, hence the notion that having a modular phone will allow you to ‘update’ the phone each year. This is not the case.

Modular in the sense that parts that malfunction can be repaired by the owner, important once the warranty has expired 5 years for the FP4)

In the case of the FP3 after a year there was/were camera upgrades which were no ‘big’ deal, but that’s it. I doubt there will any other upgrades to the FP3.

So modular yes. Upgradable often that’s more than unlikely.

Bit off topic but I had shower thought (litterally thought about it under my shower) this morning: how does making sustainable phones become a viable business model for Fairphone company ?

I mean, obviously if the plan is to offer durability, it means people buying stuff once and eventually spare parts from time to time but that’s not enough to ensure stable incomes. Plus Fairphone is still little to not known in a lot of countries, so counting on massive adoption is a bit out of question.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m in love with the concept and proud owner of an FP4 but what’s the catch ? Is there a catch ?

  1. Will Fairphone purposedly sell devices with outdated specs (ie snadragron 750G in november 2021) so that people feel the need to upgrade more quickly than expected ? (Ok that sounds bitter but I have to admit that was one of the things that made my choice to buy the FP4 very hesitant)
  2. Are modular spare parts “made” to break easily so that you need to repair your device more often than usual ?

Again, no hostility here, just genuine thoughts. /end_of_off_topic

To answer your questions:

  1. No, they don’t. The reason why the specs are not super up-to-date is that they are a (comparatively) very small company and don’t have the resources to develop a new phone within a few months. At some point, the need to fix the hardware specs to work on other things (e.g. getting certifications, setting up a production line, etc.). It has improved a lot though: the Snapdragon 750 was released on the 29.9.2020, so about one year before the phone was released. The Snapdragon 801, which was in the FP2, was released in July of 2013 with the first FP2’s shipping in December 2015, so they actually managed to cut down the time in half over the past six years.
  2. You may get the impression of that, considering the many Forum reports of broken bottom modules, especially for the FP2 (I myself went through four modules I think). I am sure this is not because of a bad intention, but simply because of “incompetence”. The FP2 and the following models are by far the most modular phones in the world right now, so FP went into completely unchartered territory. Considering that the company was founded only 8 years ago by a guy who is a designer and had absolutely no background in management or electronics, I would consider the fact that they even exist now as already fairly impressive.

But of course, there are some downsides, the company was much more transparent during the development of the first two phones than it is now, with much more accurate cost breakdowns, exact preorder and sales numbers etc. I also don’t like the direction they’re going concerning some aspects, but overall, I believe they’re doing the best they reasonably can.


Fair enough, though I’d still would love to know what is their business model then !

I don’t really get your point. They sell phones for profit. What else do they need?

If you want to look at it from a more capitalist perspective: There are billions of non sustainable phones sold each year, so they have a huge market to “capture”. They have a plan, a product and a market. Isn’t that enough?

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Just stating that selling phones that are supposed to last the longest possible doesn’t look like a profitable business that’s all.
There’s a reason why every technolgical device now has planned obsolescence embedded: because it’s profitable. Not doing it is very cool, just wondering what makes it viable for them.

But yeah, maybe I’m wrong. I guess we’ll see.

Not doing it is very cool, just wondering what makes it viable for them.

Nothing. They are doing it because it is the right thing to do. Nothing more. It saddens me that we live in a world where this is considered weird.


There are more than 10,000,000,000 cellphones out in the world. Even sustainable phones won’t last forever. Let’s say Fairphone aspires to capture 10% of the market someday, so they have 1,000,000,000 phones in circulation. Let’s say those phones last an average of 20 years (wouldn’t that be something!). That’s still 50,000,000 new phones per year to be built (or the parts count equivalent). I think their business model will be fine if the phones succeed :slight_smile:


I can only but hope so !

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Hmm! Fairphone sold around 200,000 FP3s

If the fair-trade catches on ~ 500,000 in a few years maybe.

Modularity can be done at half the price

Me too. FP4 user on the US West coast getting 4G/5G from T-Mobile on their basic $15/mo. pay-as-you-go plan.

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Just adding my voice to the chorus of “I want a USA Fairphone4!”
If the problem really is FCC, maybe we can start a Kickstarter of Indiegogo to pay for FCC compliance.

If that isn’t the problem, what is it?

You can have one shipped to the US via a reseller.

I don t have the info why it s not in the USA. I hope with theire last money round they will expand to gain more market shares.
My two cts on this is about the radio module compatibility: I am in France and it took them 10 monthes to make it work great on the Free Mobile network. I don t know nothing about how those modems work…but I can tell you its fairephone 4 + free mobile was a pain. But other users on orange and SFR I think had no problems.
I guess they would need to have a partnership with at least one US carrier and make it work across USA…

The topic is “Why can’t I set my shipping options to America for the fairphone 4?”

Hasn’t that been clarified? Fairphone clearly state which countries they support.

Anyone can buy a non supported phone via clove.co.uk for example.

So you seem to be focusing on the ‘radio module’ which has nothing to do with the topic ?? [Shipping options]