Utility of camera shutters

Continuing the discussion about camerashutters from Fairphone 3 blue light filter protective glass:

This is a generality. It is your observation, but can your observation allow you to say that:

I think this is excessive. Having a camera shutter just eases the fact to hide the camera. And then:

At least you’re sure that they didn’t film you if you have a camera shutter or a tape.

I would be interested to know whether this comes from a study in sociology or whether it is again only your experience. If it is a study, please give us the reference.
I’m not saying that this is false, because I would tend to agree with you. But can you say this for all humans? And then… what’s your point? And so what?

I think they clearly stated that they would be glad to have the protective filter as well. This “usually” comes from your experience?

Then I would like to know as well what not putting a camera shutter on your phone brings you. If you don’t want one, as I said, you choose, but what’s the problem with having one. I still didn’t get it, could you be clearer? I understood why you were against them, but why asking others to:

There was no sarcasm nor any implicit stuff meant in this message. I really meant what I said, and all the questions I asked are open and not rhetoric. If I said something stupid please tell me :slightly_smiling_face:


In my opinion, you are completely correct in all matters. At least I am in full agreement.

And I don’t really get it, why such things that do no harm are being fought against so energetically. Where’s the sense in that?
Putting something into perspective is one thing, but here is some throwing out the baby with the bath water. (In my opinion of course, and I might be wrong.)


I wonder, if they are different from other users in that behalf? I have my doubts …


I think that when you see someone who is wrong, you want to correct him, either to help him, or because you don’t like seeing people on the wrong path, or because you hate people saying wrong things, or for the sake of Truth, or for any other reason. The problem is when your answer isn’t an absolute truth but an opinion, and I would think, based on scientific articles I read, that it is a bias of our brain to think that we are right and others are wrong (which seems logical, when you think something, you most of the times think you are right, otherwise you wouldn’t think it).
Of course I speak mostly from experience.

If you had quoted the sentence in full:

you had my answer. :wink: And yes, you’re right (I guess).

Of course I’m generalizing. And I’m not a sociologist and neither have I studies as proof. It’s just that everyone (but one) of my friends, family members, acquaintances doesn’t have a clue - and a majority thinks that taping the camera helps - like other rather doubtful things. There’s a nice comparison (which sadly lacks the taped camera):


It shows that there’s a stark difference in measures deemed effective between experts and most others. This doesn’t have to be a permanent state though. I really like to take part in changing that (though I’m no expert, which might prove that there’s hope).

Taping the camera is an expression, indicator or a metaphor for a much deeper lack of knowledge (and yes, it doesn’t hurt but really, it is useless). I take it as a hint that I might share some insights or solutions to problems that are hidden to many - and (I must insist) that there are far greater problems than someone spying on your camera.

There’s a nice XKCD for that.

It’s not that for me. I’d rather offer something. And I don’t fight energetically against things that do no harm, I fight (too strong vocabulary for my taste) against things that do harm (like exposing yourself to online trackers, execute shady software etc).

Maybe there’s an analogy: Homoeoepathy doesn’t do any harm (I hope) but refraining from a necessary therapy in an academic sense clearly will.

I know.
My sole intention was, to show, that this statement, dressed as an argument, isn’t one, because it is true for the majority overall. You can not distinguish the clueless by the taped camera.

That’s a tough statement, though it might be correct in most cases.
Still, I would say you are wrong.
Taping the camera is not useless. It prevents someone filming you.
And that’s not useless, consindering where people to go with their phones, tablets and laptops and what they do, while they are using those devices. I personally would not want to be filmed and this put online or traded in some shady chatgroups etc. It’s like upskirting or spy-cams on public toilets, showers etc.

That’s absolutely correct of course.
So what?
Do you ignore small problems, because there are larger ones and who is to decide what a big problem is? It’s always a question of perspective. For the parents losing the job or the house is a big problem, while for their little kid losing the teddybear is a big problem. One should not make the mistake to belittle the problem of the child.

I don’t and won’t discuss homoeopathy, because it’s such a sensitive matter to many (on both sides). In my humble opinion it’s a bad example anyway, because I don’t see anyone neglecting IT security measures because taping the camera is an alternative to passwords or software updates, that prevents phishing and keylogging as well. :wink:


I see your point. Yes indeed, perhaps you are right. But I thought you were just a bit overreacting to the fact of having a camera shutter. Perhaps they are not very useful, although I consider them pretty practical on some cases, when you are in a videoconference, and just want to cover you camera quickly - I know there is button for it, thanks. It covers your camera mechanically, and not informatically. I would never think that something that you tap on your computer or your phone can be 100% secure, while taping it yes Edit: I know this can seem like one of these non-expert statements, and it very probably is. But it is true that taping your camera will stop it from filming you, while switching it off should, but perhaps, it 0.01% of the cases, it won’t for any reason. Moreover, in some cases, when you would like your camera to be off, you don’t have a button to switch it off. I think it is just a little precaution that can be, in rare cases, useful.
So, although they are not very useful, the thing to do is not onlyusing a camera shutter or a tape, but other things as well. Yes some people think that doing this is enough, but not all. And people coming on this forum, are on average, I think, more aware than others about IT security. You are probably right saying that it doesn’t do much, and that other things are more useful, but I maintain that, on my opinion, it was an overreaction the way you said it.
The link you gave is interesting, but it differs a little bit of our discussion for some of the things, because using unique and strong passwords are sort of opposite, same for changing regularly passwords and using a password manager. Using a camera shutter, to my knowledge, isn’t opposed to anything.

Google? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: (joking :yum:, it is interesting)

Out of 2300 I hadn’t seen this one yet. Nice one :grin:

Indeed, but you did the immediate link between using the camera shutter and not protecting yourself against these things. They’re not opposed as I already said.

Anyway, I think the best way of protecting yourself is giving the least possible data away. Other things are just “workarounds” for the problem (necessary I admit).


Thank you both for your honest reactions to my initial provocation. Maybe my point of view is wrong in many cases and correct in others. There may be no way of obtaining meaningful data, therefore it boils down to opinions.

It’s nice having this discussed, although the sample of three participants is rather small. I think in the future I will approach this matter with more sensitivity and (a little) less arrogance.

I think as long as we rely on software we don’t and can’t trust (because of scandals in the past or its proprietary nature) for many there are reasons to mechanically shut out the camera. This issue of trust should be approached differently, indeed.


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