Fairphone 3 blue light filter protective glass

No, paranoia is the least I expect from people shutting out their cameras. Paranoia is something I’d rather expect from myself. :wink:

People may do whatever they want (if they don’t harm anyone). Taping cameras implied.

My oberservation though is that people that tape their cameras don’t make a good approach to their IT security overall (in general - and in general most people don’t, I know that). They trust their personal data to entities that don’t care about their users’ or customers’ wellbeing in the first place but for accumulation (of data and/or riches). It’s a matter of having a good perspective for that. That might stem from poor IT education (which is mostly not their fault in the first place and nothing that can be improved with little effort).

I care that much about having a good perspective in IT matters that I ask people why they tape their cameras and what they think is a good approach to keep their personal or intimate data safe. Not to expose them but to put their perspective right. Camera shutters won’t help anybody but those who sell them (to counter that: just use tape).

Human beings tend to think that doing something is always better than doing nothing but that is far from the truth, especially when doing something in reality is doing something with little to no effect but lulling oneself into a false sense of having achieved something. People rest on these achievements and usually don’t take further measures - because something has been done.

So go out there and rip the tape from your cameras! :sweat_smile:

(This discussion really need its own thread, by the way.)