Any instruction on how to update from LineageOS for microG 14.1 to LineageOS for microG 15.1? According to their website:
it is not necessary to wipe your data, just upgrade your TWRP bootloader and flash manually the latest LineageOS for microG 15.1 zip
I downloaded the zip file but TWRP gives an error when installing:
checking for digest file…
Skipping digest check: no Digest file found
Warning: No file_context
E3004: This package is for device FP2; this device is . Updater process ended with error: 7 Error instaling zip file ‘/sdcard/download/lineage’
updating partition details…
am I missing something? what is “upgrade your TWRP bootloader” meaning?
That only means “don’t forget to update TWRP to the latest version available”. Usually recoveries need to update some of their codebase to be compatible whenever a new Android version is available. TWRP is Oreo-ready for some time (except for the issue with encryption), but updating it to the latest 3.2.3-0 is not a bad idea, anyway: Fairphone 2
TWRP is rejecting to update because it can’t read the device name for some unknown reason. This protection is there to avoid users flashing ROMs on non-compatible devices.
Then you used Lineage OS for microG or just installed UnifiedNlp with my installer. Either option don’t need the signature spoofing patch that Tingle provides.
Upgrading Lineage OS for microG works fine as reported by above users,
(If using my UnifiedNlp installer, note that I’ve updated it to work on Oreo, but I’ve not released a flashable ZIP yet because not all microG-related things are sufficiently tested, although UnifiedNlp things work just fine.)
The update went superquick. Like, 5 minutes or so and the device was booted.
The status icons are actually larger, yielding me two of these on the screen now. I swapped ‘flashlight’ with ‘airplane’ (I use a dedicated flashlight; less chance to damage the device).
There’s a caffeine timer you can add in the statusbar (???).
You can put the brightness lower than on Nougat and still read the screen very well because the grey and black don’t require much brightness. So I put my adaptive brightness a few nods down.
Since Lineage for microG comes with the official microG apps installed, which are not really maintained right now. (e.g. Apps complain about updating the Play Services)
I came across the NoGooLag-Installer from the telegram group -->
They are using a fork of the original microG repo, which is maintained atm and more up to date - so no more annoying messages to update gps
Sorry no.
the downloadable packs on the github page are rather old.
I uploaded the 2 Editions:
The things included in the Standard Edition zip are:
-MicroG (GMSCore, GSFProxy, Droidguard)
-Google Play store (modded by Setialpha)
-UNLP backends (Dejá vu, LocalGSM, LocalWiFi, Mozilla, Nominatim)
-FDroid with privileged extension
-Swype libs for AOSP keyboard
-Some Google DRM jars
-Google Sync adapters for KK to O
-Permission files for all of this
-An addon.d file to backup/restore everything on a rom flash
The things included in the NoGoolag Edition zip are:
-MicroG (GMSCore, GSFProxy, Droidguard)
-Aurora Store
-FDroid with privileged extension
-UNLP backends (Dejá vu, LocalGSM, LocalWiFi, Mozilla, Nominatim)
-Permission files for all of this
-An addon.d file to backup/restore everything on a rom flash
You can just delete any app in the zip you don’t want before flashing
And if you are dirty flash it - add the permission from the readme to the default-permission.xml, otherwise you might get some signature problems
This is not true (or at least an over-simplification). Let’s discuss that in other thread if you want, I just wanted to note it.
Standard Edition having non-free software jeopardizes the whole point of using microG. Anyway, at least they have a NoGoolag Edition…
BTW, their GitHub is here.
I’m personally quite reluctant to trust those (any) packages right away, though. If you do, be sure you know what you are doing!