Upgrade FP2 with QI wireless charging through expansion port

Thanks to @jayy (thanks for the fast shipping to me :slight_smile: ) I also have some PBCs to test with the QI chargers. I soldered the QI adapter to the PCB and used the screws from FP2 to fix the PCB to the phone.

Charging up to 420 mA. Not stable, but good enough for loading over night. Makes the Phone slightly bigger so I had to sink the screws a little bit in the PCB (not in the photos). Still a little bit to thick for the case but mostly ok.
One problem that I am facing with this: You are not able to remove the battary without unscrew the PCB.


great hack, thanks for the photos. Well, if you use the screws to fix the pcb, another design would be more favorable. maybe just the five pins with a passthrough

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this is my wish. At least until someone finds a purpose printed coil card like the samsung S3 sheets.

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Great project!! Wouldn`t a thinner pcb solve the problem or maybe you could use those flexible pcbs instead?

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@jayy was so friendly to send me some PCBs as well and i have all the stuff here, but could not make time to assemble them.

I noticed that the PCB indeed strech the slim-cover of the FP2 to the limits, but you can force it over if you want. But i wanted to print a custom cover anyway … so *meh*…


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there really should be thinner PCBs than that hackboard. all we need are contacts to weld the cabling on.

I keep saying that I have pestered a coworker with a smasung S3 to let me look at its pinout but in the end it doesnt fit.

The only solution I see is to actually out-chinese the chinese manufacturers, reverse engineer and rebuild their cards to fit directly onto the pins with insulation.

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Hi @jayy, I’d like to buy one! (for my scraptop project, just got the original touchpad working, yay!) Is that possible? I live in NL, postage should be doable.

you got a message. .

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