Transparent case and screen protector for FP5

Help me choose the best transparent case and screen protector for FP5.

I would prefer to order them straight for FP, but they don’t have such accessories so I need to get aftermarket ones.

I want a transparent case because I have the transparent version of the phone and it doesn’t make any sense to put another type of case on it. I want it to be simple, to not turn yellow after a while, and to protect the screen and camera lens, meaning the edge is a bit raised on these parts.

So far I have these two options in mind for the case:

And I want a basic screen protector (not a privacy filter and not a blue light filter, as they have on their website), just a basic simple one. But not sure if it should be with cutouts as the original ones, or without, my issue is that with the cutouts dirt and dust will get there and the front camera will always be dirty.

And I have these options for the screen protector so far:

Please let me know if you have any of these and how good they are, or if you recommend something else. Thank you!

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