ist noch irgendein unterstütztes Betriebssystem übrig für das FP2? Lineage und somit auch eOS unterstützen das FP2 nun auch nicht mehr.
Soweit ich weiß bleibt nur noch die durch @mal gepflegte Community-Edition von Sailfish OS übrig.
Is there any supported operating system left for the FP2? Lineage and therefore also eOS no longer support the FP2.
As far as I know, only the community edition of Sailfish OS maintained by @mal remains.
Yes. and it works very well ( is not available at the moment).
But there are some software issues e.g. old browser base, …
And the hardware reached end of live time after nine years - and designed 2014 …
I think ‘End Of Life’ means hardware support …
If you are a software developer you can support the device with the latest software blobs for this device as long as you can support the binary interfaces of the blobs …
I forgot to make the usual announcement topic for new Sailfish OS release on this forum. Also Sailfish OS is available now. I will update the wiki page and add a proper announcement here. (Edit: wiki has been updated, I will build the image for new release hopefully this weekend but updating is already possible)