Supported OS für / for FP2

ist noch irgendein unterstütztes Betriebssystem übrig für das FP2? Lineage und somit auch eOS unterstützen das FP2 nun auch nicht mehr.
Soweit ich weiß bleibt nur noch die durch @mal gepflegte Community-Edition von Sailfish OS übrig.

Is there any supported operating system left for the FP2? Lineage and therefore also eOS no longer support the FP2.
As far as I know, only the community edition of Sailfish OS maintained by @mal remains.

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DivestOS müsste noch updaten

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Auch wenn es in der Liste dort unter “End of Life” geführt wird bringen die trotzdem noch Updates dafür raus?

Habe ich nicht gesehen, das ist von Mai

@SkewedZeppelin do you still support the FP2?


Und das ist von kürzlich, also vermute ich EOL seitens Google, Patches gibts dennoch…

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Yes. and it works very well :smiley: ( is not available at the moment).
But there are some software issues e.g. old browser base, …
And the hardware reached end of live time after nine years - and designed 2014 …


DivestOS provides monthly updates for all supported devices.


sorry. I don’t understand the categories on the website then. The FP2 is listed as an ‘End Of Life’ device. So the FP2 is gone?

I think ‘End Of Life’ means hardware support …
If you are a software developer you can support the device with the latest software blobs for this device as long as you can support the binary interfaces of the blobs …

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Android 7 through 11 are end of life and DivestOS provides best effort backports of fixes to them, which are shipped each moth.
Please read:

DivestOS is the most secure option for FP2.


How about writing “AOSP End of life” or “End of life (AOSP)”.

Which information can I follow ti be noticed, that there is an new update available. The wiki page on isnt updated I think.

I forgot to make the usual announcement topic for new Sailfish OS release on this forum. Also Sailfish OS is available now. I will update the wiki page and add a proper announcement here. (Edit: wiki has been updated, I will build the image for new release hopefully this weekend but updating is already possible)

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