Hey all,
First of all, we would like to apologize for not replying to your request earlier. In the few past months since the delivery of the Fairphone 2, our small support team has been overwhelmed by the amount of email we’ve received.
Despite trying a variety of ways to improve response times and reduce the number of open requests, it’s still proving to be a very difficult task.
We have hired 7 new people to help the support team and members from other teams are using any spare time they have to help the support team.
We expect that we need some more weeks to get the response time back to acceptable lengths and are very thankful for your patience.
We want to work from the oldest to newest ticket to help everyone in the fairest possible way. To make sure that everyone gets a response in the order they came in, we want to reduce side-channel requests for support like the ones in this topic.
Posting your ticket nr. here, or on any other public channel, will therefor not speed up the process of your ticket being answered.
We hope that everyone can accept this is the fairest way to deal with support requests.
Community Support