🇩🇪 🇬🇧 Stuttgart Fairphoners Meetings / Treffen / Community

Our 8th meeting was on a lovely sunny evening… At our peak, we were around 10 FPers… one even came from Karlsruhe (80 Kms away). Another FPer brought a bag of lovely pralines:

I had contacted Fairphone, if we could maybe receive a FP3 to look at and…

we got one!!! (Thanks to @Monica.Ciovica)
As soon as the phone was out of the box and switched on… it was switched of and opened. We had a presentation model with 12 screws and it took quite some time.

Some of the little screws wanted to stay in the phone… so I had to do some coaxing:

Some readers asked for fotos taken with the FP3here they are:

Here we are (fltr): @madguitar, @OliverW, @Friek, ?, ?, @2be_2last, Markus, @Joh, @Patrick1, @patrick_Ger und Sabine.

I’m looking forward to our next meetup in November. I’ve opened a dudle unitl the end of September to find a date.


Very nice setting and group :slight_smile:

And great to see not just the next generation Fairphone, but also the next generation of Fairphoners is already there :+1:


Are those the FP headphones?
They look a bit different than the one’s on the pictures I have seen so far:

That’s not the FP3 with the hole in it, where a cable-tie was put through? Or ist it?
I checked the pictures of the FP3 and don’t see any such hole.

My package included the same kind of earphones and I assume it’s not the announced Fairphone earphones. I carefully checked if the cable was detachable and with moderate force, it was not. I didn’t want to try harder though.

Regarding the phone on the table … Friek wrote right above that picture that it’s taken with the FP3, so I guess that answers your question.

Silly me. :blush:
You are right of course.
And if I get it right, it’s no phone, but a waka-waka power+.
Maybe an opportunity to link to two older threads on their solar powerbanks :wink: :

as the FP3 we received was a prototype, the headphones were not those from the presenation. We also tried to disconnect the cable and were sure we could accomplish this… the question was, if the cable could be reconnected :slight_smile:


During our meeting @Friek managed to get this beauty of a “still life” arranged.

Actually it also shows a meeting of 3 generations with the corresponding companions aside.
Tasty sweets were luring…:yum:

(Taken with a FP2 camera 1st gen. modified [cropped+brightness+contrast])


das bin ich auch :slight_smile:
Es hat mir jedes Mal sehr gefreut mich mit Euch auszutauschen und vielen lieben Dank dass @Friek mir die Mutterkarte damals ausgetauscht hat und kürzlich Markus Koala 1.8 wieder gebootet hat :pray:


Der Termin für das nächste Treffen steht fest! Es wird der 11.11… Wieder im Weltcafé.
Hier findet ihr das Facebook-Event


Noch knapp zwei Wochen, dann treffen wir uns wieder! (kleiner Push nach oben)


Finally the recap of our meetup… We had a record turnout of 16 (!!!) people. I only ever book a table for 10, as we never had a bigger turnout then that, so it was nice and cosy around the table. We even had guests from Bad Liebenzell (50kms) and Nürnberg (200kms!!!).

(fltr: @Kerku, @Michael_Weber, @kirchll, @Patrick1, @Joh, @markuskl, @madguitar, @Ryuno-Ki, John, @Susa, @Friek)

We had two FP3s, lots of FP2s a few FP1s and two interested guests, who were interested in Fairphone.

Sadly, no phone had to be repaired, so we just took apart our own phones, talk Software and learn about new apps.

To sweeten up our meetup, @Patrick1 brought along som delicious pralines again - thank you!


Again I have enjoyed attending this meeting and to have interesting conversations with other users or interested guests.
Unfortunately time is always passing on so quickly, it’s unbelievable.

Nevertheless I like to remembering what has been spoken, laughed, discussed about always hoping for being able to again attend a next meeting in the close future.

Also many thanks to @Friek for her continuously efforts in organizing these meetings, giving the opportunity to us for finding together in a comfortable place.

…but we did had a case of magically fixing a camera showing stripes in the pictures by just positively chanting at it. :innocent:


And I got a almost new spare part for my beat-up FP1 cover. Thank you!!!:smiley:


I’m starting to plan the next Meetup - this time in an unverpackt store in Ludwigburg. A community member had that idea (thanks @susa).
Please vote here so I can set up a date with the owner either in the evening or for a Saturday brunch.
Polling will end on Sunday.


Next Fairphone Meetup is on April 18th at 09:00. I have created a Facebook event for futher information. We will meet in “ohnePlaPla” in Ludwigsburg (not Stuttgart) for a delicious brunch on a Saturday morning.


Cool! Danke fürs Organisieren!
Gibts neben Facebook eine Möglichkeit sich “anzumelden”?

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Es gibt jetzt einen “going” button ganz oben in topic, über den du dich “anmelden” kannst (@Friek: ich hoffe, es ist OK, dass ich diesen hinzugefügt habe).

Ja! Dankeschön.
@Joh: man muss sich nicht offiziell anmelden, einfach auftauchen. :slight_smile:


Hello, sadly due to the Corona-Situation, the meetup in Ludwigsburg will be postponed until after Corona. Please check here for futher details.
Auf Deutsch: Meeting wird verschoben bis auf nach Corona.


Hallo zusammen,
nachdem die Münchner und Aachener gezeigt haben, wie es geht, machen wir auch ein Online Meetup.
Dienstag 5. Mai ab 19:00 - alles sind herzlichst eingeladen!
Den Meeting-Link erhaltet ihr bei mir.
Facebook-Event: hier
Ich freue mich auf das Treffen!