Stock fp3(+) (factory reset) boot loop (workarounds in first post)

No when the battery is really completely empty the phone will not start when plugged in.

Also this does not work with the FP3

@Ellen_Lees it seems you are hit by different issues, for the charging issue I think its better to follow up in one of the many topics around this


Which operating system do you use (e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux, etc)?

  1. When putting the filename you need to provide the full path to that file. If the file’s in the same directory as you’re console session then just the filename is sufficient (as paths are relative). e.g. Say you’re on Windows and the APK file’s in your user account’s download folder you can change your console’s working directory to be that folder by running pushd %userprofile%\downloads (if using cmd) or pushd "$($env:userprofile)\downloads" (if using PowerShell); then reference the file by name; or you can use the absolute path (e.g. adb install -d ",armeabi-v7a)(480dpi)" (cmd) / .\adb install -d "$($env:userprofile)\downloads\,armeabi-v7a)(480dpi)" (PowerShell)).

  2. Somtimes character escaping can be an issue. That is; the system needs to know which letters are part of a command vs which are part of a filename, as some characters have a special meaning. On Windows you can resolve this with the above filename by putting the name in double quotes. On other systems you may have to “escape” some of the chararacters (e.g. by putting another character, such as a backslash before them); this can be seen in Pilo11’s original post where he’s escaped the brackets; i.e. adb install -d\(150408-428111784\)-220221039_minAPI30\(arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a\)\(480dpi\)

Note also: where you can run adb on may follow the same rules (this depends on other factors, like if the path with the adb executable file in is in a special directory)… For simplicity it’s probably simplest to put the downloaded apk file into the same directory as your adb executable and use that folder as your working directory.

Hope that’s some help.

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@malwes : the last command is to tell adb to install the APK package on your phone.

The in the command is actually a file path.

For the adb command to work on my Fedora GNU/Linux I needed to execute it in the folder where the apk file was stored, for example I typed cd ~/Downloads/ to move my terminal in the Downloads folder in my home.

I suppose it works the same on Windows. I have no Windows accessible to test but you might try to type something like chdir C:\Users\yourWindowsUserName\Downloads (or maybe just chdir Downloads) if your file is located inside the default Downloads folder for example, and then executing the adb command from here should work.

Hope that helps, you clearly have done the most difficult !

Edit : the previous answer by @JohnLBevan is probably more accurate than mine :sweat_smile:.

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Haha, thanks - maybe more accurate for Windows, but definitely you’re best for Linux :wink:

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Thanks both - charging cable is fine, and I’ve tried holding the button down. Looks like the battery is just completely flat, which presumably has happened because of the reboot loop thing, given that it has never had this issue before. I’ll look elsewhere for solutions for charging the battery again!

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I found some more advice here: Dictionary Entry: Kickstart - hope that helps.

OK when plugged in do you get a red LED?

Jetzt, da ich es endlich geschafft habe, so weit zu kommen, erhalte ich die Nachricht “Deinstallation von Google Play-Dienste fehlgeschlagen” und es fängt wieder von vorne an. Woran kann das liegen?

Solution 3 worked like a charm and was quick to implement. Thanks!

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Haben Sie “Find My Device” / “Finde mein Handy” aktiviert? Sie müssen diese Funktion deaktivieren, bevor Sie Google Play-Dienste deinstallieren können.

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Tout d’abord, un grand merci pour cette aide précieuse !

Personnellement, je suis encore bloqué : après avoir activé le débogade USB (partie 1), et téléchargé ADB, je n’arrive pas à valider la commande “cd FolderLocation” : le message que je reçois est alors “Le chemin d’accès spécifié est introuvable.”

Quelqu’un aurait-il une explication ?
Merci d’avance,

L’union fait la force…alors que dire de la solidarité !


Quel système d’exploitation utilisez-vous (par exemple, Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc.) ?

Remarque : lorsque vous tapez cd FolderLocation, vous ne devez pas taper FolderLocation mais plutôt le chemin dans lequel votre fichier adb.exe peut être trouvé ; par exemple. cd %UserProfile%\Downloads

Genau soweit bin ich auch gekommen …
Ich kann dir nur empfehlen die Lösung von Yasen_Tomov zu nutzen.

Ich hatte das gleiche Problem und bin nur mit der Lösung (leider nur über adb) zum Erfolg gekommen.

I can confirm that Solution 3 as proposed by @Yasen_Tomov has worked in my case. Thank you for the support.

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Oui, il faut bouger le dossier en gardant la touche Command appuyee. Sinon ca ne marche pas!

Correction : although in the first days it worked fine I now have the same issue again, therefore it is not the Smart Launcher that causes the problem

So although this is a topic RE FP3 you had/have a similar issue with the FP4

Is there not a topic for the FP4 ??

There is another idea that came to me - maybe its possible to update the google play service from SD Card by recovery boot (if this would work, no adb would be neccessary, just an update file placed on the SD Card via computer. I already asked fairphone to check this). Unfortunately on my phone the SD Card is not recognized in the recovery boot mode (failure message: mount of sdcard failed - despite it’s formatted by the phone and works properly while phone is used normal; the same message comes without sdcard), so I couldn’t test this. To enter the recovery boot menu, long-press both on/off and volume down, the phone restarts with boot menu, then toggle by up/down to recovery mode, press power on/off => the phone restarts again and shows a “no command” picture, then press power and volume up. In the menu that appears now is an option to update from SD Card

No, I haven’t found a topic with/for FP4 that matched my problem. The one closest to it dates from September.

@JP-FP @JurgP I guess you use these two accounts?

Is there any hint that there is a relation between your bootloops and the retracted Google Play Services update? If not, your problem might better be extracted into a separate topic of its own.