Software update Kola Nut 1.8

My experience is that you after a reboot always start at the leftmost screen. So I guess you must set this up as your ‘home screen’, i.e. with the apps you want to have available to begin with. But again, tapping the ‘home’ button might send you somewhere else. I’m not sure about this, since this was one of the reasons for me to revert to the old launcher.

The home screen which appears, when you press the home button, is the middle one.

Cannot confirm this. My GPS fixes in under 15 seconds now!!! :smiley:

But only when you didn’t move to an other position (more than 10 km) and when you have mobile data connection always online.

What I want to say with this: Time to GPS fix depends on a lot of conditions and configuration. In a discussion about “time to fix” it would be helpful to know these conditions…

Yes, I forgot to add that I installed FP1-EPO-Autodownload, as the built-in-downlaod was deactivated with the 1.8 update (for being faulty).

There are some people in this rather extensive thread (like @Mirjam ) who were/are looking for help. They may have not found it here, as too many things are discussed at the same time.

Since tempers were a bit high, I suggest we actively search for those who still need help?

(@Mirjam, you need to provide more info - and I suggest you open a new topic if you still got problems.)


I still got problems. I tried to install the update, after that a lot of things were gone from my phone, but I still got a message saying "Can't open file". So I can't install playstore etc.etc.

texting lost the swipe function, some apps are gone (besides the google ones), and erratic glitching (spooky commands when nothing is touched) seems to have increased.


btw: can I respond in Dutch?

Er zijn best een aantal nederlandse mensen hier op het forum, dus je zult wel antwoord krijgen op vragen in het Nederlands.

English translation:
There are quite a few Dutch people on this forum, so you’ll probably get an answer to questions in Dutch.

I put some thought into the layout of my home screen. Any chance of keeping that and still get at least the security updates?

If you haven’t installed 1.8 yet then you should wait a little bit longer for FairPhone to come up with a new update. I don’t know what they’re planning to do but they’ve put the 1.8 update on hold so they can come up with a solution for the problems with the new launcher.

I updated my FP1, but there is still the generic serial number,not the the unique as desribed.

Does your updater really say FP OS 1.8? My serial number is not generic anymore.

@humorkritik Thank you for taking care of the lost help requests! :smiley:

I downloaded the update manually and installed over recovery, installation went fine. The updater neverthelesss tells me that 1.6 is installed. When i click to update, i am told that 1.8 is installed already. I went back to 1.6 and will wait for the official update.

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Hi Marco,

Sorry for the late response, I had two major exams so needed to focus on those first. So, about my fp, i’m experiencing some troubles since i’ve downloaded the update. Since I’m really not technical the thought of having to fix this myself made panic slightly haha, so i’m glad you want to help. This is what I have encountered:

  • i can’t install Google apps
  • half of my apps are gone
  • Half of the contacts I do have in my ‘Contacts’ are not recognised anymore, not when calling, texting, whatsapping
    • according to my settings I do have a profile pic but others don’t see it
  • it keeps downloading ‘Fairphone update’ without actually finishing ever. If i don’t stop it it can keep downloading for hours
  • When typing spelling check/ automatic word thingy doesn’t work anymore

Ok, I hope you have some tricks for me to undo this, thanks in advance!



@naomimn i think all of the issues, you are experiencing, are related to Google Apps not being installed. So as I see it, you have two options:

  1. Install Fairphone OS 1.6 manually and wait until the revised 1.8 is released.
  2. Install Fairphone OS 1.8 manually.

What about the new update (kola nut)? We didn’t hear anything the last 11 days.

@joagri - I think we need to be patient. We’re unlikely to hear anything until the new year now.

And there is no point FP trying to rush out a further update if they don’t have time to test it, and if there is no one available to support it after it’s released into the wild :wink:

I really hope that the next bug-fix release would be fully tested in a beta test cycle - including the update process on the FP. I really hope that they have learned their lesson with “version 1.8”.

I installed the 1.8 directly, It took two attempts/downloads. Later it was postponed and i have not investigated why. Since 1.8 there are more visual activity from the “fairphone updater app” (I think) and i looks like small files are downloading and gets installed. One can assume that because the it says “New Fairphone update” and there is the progress bar. Is the app just checking or is it really downloading and installing stuff?

It’s just checking. The issue has been reported and hopefully will be solved with the revised update.


Just to share that I updated to v1.8 with success. I am fully satisfied with this new release and with the related changes. I also noticed an improvement regarding the battery autonomy (nice!).

Thanks for your wonderful work!

Best regards,
