Software update Cherry 1.6

This is strange. I’ve done several updates and do not remember this happening. Although, before the update, the labeling of storage was quite confusing if i remember correctly: The “internal file storage” was labeled as first sd card. This would make the real scared something like sdcard2. Is it possible that this is what happened in your case?

Hey Sarah did you ever get a response on this? I’m still on 1.1 and having massive problems after trying to instal…

Hi, I just updated my fairphone with this software update. Now my keyboard does not work. I understand that I need to install Google apps to get the key board to work. However, it will not download as I need to be in a wifi connection. To log into he wifi I need to input a password. This I cannot do without the key board… No keyboard, no password, no google apps, no keyboard… Please advise on how I can get out of this vicious cycle. Thanks.

Are you sure, you updated to Fairphone OS 1.6 and not 1.8? (Please check in the Fairphone Updater app.)

Here is something I found in another topic:

You should be able enter your wifi password then.

You’re a star! That worked a treat. Thanks loads

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