Second SIM not available for calls even when enabled

Hi, I have an FP4 on android 12. I have an eSIM from with my personal number (which is default for calls, SMS and mobile data) and a physical SIM, also from, with my work number. I keep them both enabled and both show “available” except that the work SIM has an exclamation mark beside the signal indicator (but only in the settings->network & internet page).
I receive SMS from the work number but when people try to call I result as unavailable even when the eSIM is not in a call. Am I missing something? I though you could have both numbers available or what would be the point of 2 SIMs?

I assume mobile data are turned off for the eSIM? thats the reason for the exclamation mark.

Did you try to disable the physical SIM to check if calls at the orher SIM are coming in? did you check with Vodafone, if there is an issue at their end?

For me both SIM work with O2 Germany.

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Well, the eSIM is actually the primary one (personal). If I move the defaults (calls, sms, data) to the SIM it works.
I didn’t check yet whether the eSIM works fine when the SIM is the master, but as I use the phone way more for personal stuff than work I cannot have it the other way around.
The exclamation mark is indeed merely an indicator that the SIM has no data active so it’s not really an issue.

ok I might have misread: what I meant is: deactivate (completely not only set calls sms, data to the other one) shortly (not forever) the SIM that is working fine to see if the other one is receiving calls then.

As I understand now the “faulty” one is the physical one, how old is it? It might just need a replacement, I would either way def. contact your provider.

really don’t understand what’s going on. So, when BOTH SIMs are active, the Network & internet screen shows first connectivity status for wifi & the two SIMs. The moment I deactivate either SIM, back on the Network & internet this first block disappears altogether… (why?!?).

Whichever SIM I leave alone will behave like the single main SIM just fine (so no more choosing which one does call/sms/data).
The one thing that surprises me is that I don’t get asked the PIN when I reactivate a SIM, which I find suspicious.

What I hate the most is that I have no indication that there is a problem, so I feel like I’ll never be able to trust this phone for keeping both my personal and work SIMs… :frowning:

Thats normal as there is nothing to choose with only 1 SIM.

Have you enabled it in the settings, so does the phone ask after a restart?

I absolutley dont get what you mean, I dont see you answered to the question if the “faulty” sim works for incoming calls when the other one is disabled or did you confirm by saying?

I’m confused, why do we suddenly talk about Wifi, what has this to do with “I cant be called” on my work SIM? Can you provide a Screenshot of what you are referring to?

2 SIMs enabled (mobile data for the 2nd one disabled therefore the exclamation mark)

1 SIM enabled

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I’m not sure yet if this is of any more relevance with FP4.
On the FP2 only one Sim card could be set for data usage (3G/4G), not both at the same time.
Only in very rare fault cases (maybe after an OS upgrade or removing/adding a card) the option was available for both cards just until set properly 3G/4G for one card, then only 2G option left for the second card.

Since FP4 can do things like Wifi calling I’m not sure if the software allows to set both cards to “NR/LTE/GSM/WCDMA” or similar.
Since it’s still technically a DSDS design I would assume having to set one card to “GSM only” for just mobile phoning without data usage to keep both cards ready for calling and the second card to any higher standard for mobile data.
But I’m just guessing here.

You can set both to anything else than 2G and calls work fine (in and outgoing), that should have no influence here…

Hi, @andyfsimon & Co.,
Did you people get this sorted out in the end?
I’m looking at what seems to be a similar case here:

Thanks for any info you may have.

Honestly I can’t say. I still don’t trust that the physical SIM (the one I use for work) is actually able to receive phone calls because I don’t actually use it for anything other than receiving SMS. As for making calls I simply use the eSIM by default.
Things will change when/if I will be doing duty shifts, in which case I suppose I’ll find out fast whether it’ll work or I need a second phone.
It’s very possible that the recent updates have fixed it though.

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Les conseils de OldRoutard m’ont aidé et tout fonctionne :+1:

Bon courage.

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