Are there any FP repair shops in the UK?
None is listed in the #repairshops list, but it’s probably not up-to-date. Where would it have to be exactly?
Perhaps you could contact a #fairphoneangel if there is one in your vicinity, they might be able to help you for what you need.
Welcome to the forum. Could you give an idea of your problem as am in UK and have helped a number of forum members in the past with their FP2?
Heio, my mic is broken. But this is not the bottom module which is a problem as I have a new module and it is still not working. I also did the system reboot as recommended, still no success.
Never heard about FP angels Thanx for the tip
Did you try cleaning the contacts of the module?
Did you try a dic:factorydatareset?
Please be aware the CentralLondon heaven is probably inactive and will be taken away from the map soon.
Settings > Maintenance > Checkup allows you to make sure whether the bottom module (more specifically, the primary microphone inside it) really works or not.
yeap, done many times. No success
Yeap, cleaned few times, factory reset done. Still no success
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