Regular Soft Reboots - happening on Fairphone OS/LineageOS for you?

I will start by saying this is a FP5 from Murena, pre-loaded with /e/ OS. Regularly, it will just randomly reboot to the boot animation (Murena). Its NOT a full reboot, it does NOT go back to Fairphone logo and the uptime is not reset.

Relevant topics on Murena forums:

I have now given Murena a year to fix this but my phone is still not fit for purpose, so I have now opened an RMA with them, for a full refund (assuming they can’t provide me a working FP5 on /e/).

I like the device, so after the RMA I may buy a vanilla Fairphone 5 and put lineageos on or something, but if this is a common issue then I would rather go with a different device.

  • Is this happening on Fairphone OS?
  • Is this happening on LineageOS for FP5?

Anyone can help either way, would be great.

Personally I have used my Fairphone 5 on both Fairphone OS and /eOS and have returned back to the former.

On FairphoneOS this was caused by installing and giving permissions to an app named Greenify, which is incompatible with modern Android apparently. If you use it, you might want to factory reset and not install it, look into Hail instead.

On /e/OS there is tracking protection by default, which may send applications to use 800 % of CPU. Naturally Android or its features like battery statistics won’t tell this to you and the only way to know this is running e.g. adb shell top -b -n 1 -o %CPU,%MEM,CMDLINE -s1 -m 20. I might have said this on either forum, but never receiced any feedback on whether this was the case for anyone else.

Either way, good luck

On /e/ so far I have had no issues with battery usage or CPU being slammed (which I guess would result in obvious heat and battery usage). I guess my set of apps don’t trigger that.

On Fairphone OS have you ever had a random reboot (to boot animation?)

I used to, but that was caused by Greenify and resolved by factory resetting and not reinstalling Greenify. There is a longer thread at

I have been running the stock FairphoneOS for a month now, without any unexpected reboots.

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i have my FP5 from september 2023, all time with FairphoneOS and never see random reboot - not full reboot, not partial reboot (which i mean is something like “GUI Restart”)

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