Random reboots After android 13 update

Another mid-week update: the patch that was under testing during the previous days has proven to be stable and it seems to be effective to address the 5G-related reboot issue.

The fix will be therefore delivered with the next software update, currently scheduled around Christmas day ( :santa: ).
Please beware that the schedule might still change, as the software still needs to pass internal and external validation.

Also, during the investigation of the abovementioned issue, we found another possible cause for random reboots, which is not related to 5G operations (and seems to affect a very small portion of users); that issue is now undergoing investigation.
The latter will not, unfortunately, be fixed with the Christmas update as we did not identify yet the root cause for it.

I will also keep you updated on this issue, but we hope to solve most of the rebooting issues with the upcoming software update.