Question about rooting a Fairphone 3 running LineageOS 20 with Magisk

Hi everybody,

I’d like to root my Fairphone 3 running LineageOS 20 using Magisk. Most of the instructions here are clear to me. However there is a step saying:

(Optional) If your device has a separate vbmeta partition, you can patch the vbmeta partition with command:
fastboot flash vbmeta --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta.img (note that it may wipe your data)

Does someone know if this step is required for my setup and if so what are the chances it will actually wipe all my data? I’ve got a backup of all my /storage/emulated/0 folder but I don’t see an option to backup all apps with their data without root access so it would be quite annoying if me phone got wiped.

Best regards

Instructions from users

Edit: or here more recent


Thanks a lot. The first one worked for me without any data loss.


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