[Project Terminated] Divest OS on the Fairphones

Nevermind, they are solved now.

  1. For the first, i had to ignore the error
  2. For the second, i changed the USB port

Hello Tad and fourm users,
I am a new user of FP4 with DivestOS 20. I would like to use original FP camera app. After long research I extracted apk from factory firmware A13 then tried to install via adb and got error described there: For a Better Camera on deGoogled Operating Systems - #65 by cweiske
To get rid of this error OS should have library “libtctcameraalgo_jni.tct.so” and it’s impossible to import it manually (as described in the post above).
/e/ maintainers already imported it to the OS since 2.4-t just month ago
CalyxOS and iode also in progress

Would You please make a path for next update for working orinial FP camera app?

PS. cweiske wrote tldr about his fixing experience: Android 14: Modify system partitions

I won’t add additional proprietary libraries when the included camera app works.

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It is notpropietary btw, you can find any fairphone os source code there


Camera works, but the resolution is only 12mp while the sensor has 40mp, also the color rendering is very intermediate, specially for front camera, video stab is better with vendor app too

So, maybe you could include this in the next update, pleeeeease?

Not everything you can find in this regard is non-proprietary and/or available as source code 
 Fairphone 4 - Binary Blobs Package — FAIRPHONE open source documentation


Okay, then Im interested in rootiing by magisk. I already installed and patched boot.img so it looks integrated.
Im gonna use magisk recovery terminal (in case some module will broke the system I would switch off the module on boot).
Tell me please, is there any way I can open terminal while booting device? I didnt find this option in recovery menu

Hello there,
eSIM does not work for me: If I press the “+” to add it, nothing happens. (Well, it is highlighting, so it is indicating that it recognizes being pressed
Could there be certain settings that prevent that the needed window is opened?
(I assume that normally pressing the “+” should open a window to scan the QR-Code for the eSIM 

Thanks in advance for everyone with some helpful advice!

Is support for Fairphone 5 coming? I think that it’s already supported by LineageOS (Info about FP5 | LineageOS Wiki)?

I’m sorry that can’t help you here. My eSim came as QR code in a letter. I don’t remember how I got it into the settings.

I now have two SIMs installed, and apparently no third is supported. When I press the “+” at the Network and Internet settings pane it blink and nothing happens. Ditto the “+ Add more” on the SIMs page. Maybe the FP 4 does not support more than 1x physical and 1x eSIM?

@ArminO you need to use the OpenEUICC app: Faq - DivestOS Mobile


Hello dude! I was struggling with this kind of problem and the solution is not so obvious, although I have got it from DivestOS FAQ page: go to Settings / Security / Enable eUICC management checkbox, then reboot and openEUICC app will appear on the app list, there you could add esim with qr code by pressing +

Thank you everyone: News - DivestOS Mobile


Have you written somewhere about why you’re closing most of your projects?

Also, which app would you recommend for us Mulch and Mull users?

As mentioned, it is the 10 year anniversary. That is a long time and I need to move onto other projects in life.

The browsers page is still applicable: Browsers - DivestOS Mobile


That wasn’t stated anywhere on the link though :wink:

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Thank you for maintaining DivestOS for such a long time!

And a question since I don’t see it mentioned anywhere: will the website stay available with all the info and downloads?
I’m asking because for older phones (my FP2 is still working well) DivestOS may still be the most secure option even without further updates.


Thank you for all that work! May your other projects be successful, and life in general be good.

With your deep insight into custom OSs, what would you guesstimate comes closest to DivestOS for the Fairphone family, to replace it eventually (for a while it will still beat the competition wrt privacy and security, I think)?

Respect for your Work at DivestOS - Thank you very much!
stay well and healthy!

He has suggested CalyxOS here:

Thank you. I was not aware the answer was already posted.