[Project Terminated] Divest OS on the Fairphones

The diagram looks like this


I also created the batterystats.txt file. One thing immediately stands out. Every 10 minutes

+10h20m10s095ms (3) 050 +running wake_reason=0:“277 pm8xxx_rtc_alarm”
+10h20m10s240ms (2) 050 wake_reason=0:“Abort: Last active Wakeup Source: eventpoll”
+10h20m10s541ms (2) 050 wake_reason=0:“Abort: Pending Wakeup Sources: NETLINK NETLINK”
+10h20m11s205ms (1) 050 -running

Under “All kernel wake locks:” NETLINK is listed with the highest number:

Kernel Wake lock NETLINK: 48s 810ms (4829 times) real time

Wifi and bluetooth scanning was disabled. And there was no WiFi network set up.

Nothing particular stands out from that screenshot, looks normal.

Nothing particular stands out from that screenshot, looks normal.

Except for the fact that the FP4 consumed 10 % of the battery.

Do you still have the old builds I asked for? Otherwise, I’m going to install LineageOS 20230514 now.

do you perhaps have another battery to test with?

and I only keep last months builds, they’re listed here: https://divestos.org/builds/old/old.txt

do you perhaps have another battery to test with?

I don’t think that would bring any change. I had installed the old LineageOS version only a few days ago. With this, it consumed 2 % in 24 hours in airplane mode.

I found Devices - DivestOS Mobile and downloaded https://web.archive.org/web/20240419193401if_/https://divestos.org/builds/LineageOS/fp4/divested-20.0-20240405-dos-FP4.zip

Maybe it can help?

Thanks, but unfortunately this is too new.


Here is the Battery Historian diagram of LineageOS 20230514:


Consumption: 1 % in 24 hours in airplane mode (yes, one percent)

The only noticeable difference is the JobScheduler.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Hypatia App from DivestOS

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hypatia App from DivestOS

Hi, if you filter with “FP4.zip” (without the quotes) here: Wayback Machine
I believe you will find all the builds of DivestOS that have been archived (I get 22 files for this search)

There seems to be a build from february 2023 that could do the job.
Good luck in your battery-life quest!

My experience shows it tends to be the apps, even if your case does look weird if you haven’t installed anything else

What worked quite well on my old FP2 was to have as root superfreeze set to automatically freeze all apps except system ones after 2 weeks without launch (with a few exceptions, I had gone through the list by hand). And very quickly my battery went down to 1% loss per night again (except when I launched a “faulty” app again. I remember Signal was the worst)

Edits: removing phrasing ambiguities

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  • What’s the status regarding the Android 14 / LineageOS? The last progress was 3 months ago.
  • When can we expect FP5 approximately released for DivestOS?

Thank your very much.


no ETA on either


installation of DivestOS on FP4.

1.     Backup your device.
2.     Follow the prerequisite steps here
3.     Reboot to the bootloader: With the device powered off, hold Volume Down + Power.
4.     $ fastboot oem unlock or $ fastboot flashing unlock
5.     Reboot the device, then reboot back to bootloader
6.     $ fastboot erase avb_custom_key
7.     $ fastboot flash avb_custom_key avb_pkmd-fp4.bin
8.     Reboot to the bootloader
9.     $ fastboot update divested-20.0-20240810-dos-FP4-fastboot.zip
10.     Reboot to the recovery: With the device powered off, hold Volume Down + Power, then select "Recovery mode" using Volume keys.
11.     Choose "Apply update", then "Apply from ADB", and $ adb sideload divested-20.0-20240810-dos-FP4.zip
12.     While still in the recovery perform a factory reset
13.     Reboot into DivestOS. If it takes more than 10 minutes to boot then something is wrong. Do not let it sit for more than 10 minutes!
14.     There are monthly updates. You MUST read the News page and backup your device before each update.

Step 6. was succsesfull:

fastboot erase avb_custom_key
Erasing 'avb_custom_key'                           OKAY [  0.017s]
Finished. Total time: 0.023s

(still FP4 is in bootloader, FastBoot Mode)
Error at 7. Step:

$ fastboot flash avb_custom_key avb_pkmd-fp4.bin
fastboot: error: cannot load 'avb_pkmd-fp4.bin': No such file or directory

What I’m doing wrong?

did you download the files?

1 Like

In past I was flashing several times LineageOS, one thime eOS, but never needed to download a (this) key-file:


So, was not noticing it.

But with all files in my directory, all commands after step 6. went well now!
DivestOS is on the FP4! Great! :innocent: :+1:


I have an FP5 which I would like to switch to DivestOS, patiently waiting too :slight_smile:

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How is the battery life compared to stock, in your experience?

Hello guys, i need your urgent hellp. The install failed and i fear i bricked my phone.

The first time, it failed with the error FAILED (remote: 'data too large').

The full output

stem@stem-kubuntu:~/Downloads$ fastboot update --force divested-20.0-20241011-dos-FP3-fastboot.zip

Bootloader Version...: 
Baseband Version.....: 
Serial Number........: A20A98720202

extracting android-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM...
Checking 'product'                                 OKAY [  0.020s]
Setting current slot to 'b'                        OKAY [  0.020s]
extracting boot.img (64 MB) to disk... took 0.097s
archive does not contain 'init_boot.img'
extracting dtbo.img (8 MB) to disk... took 0.012s
archive does not contain 'dt.img'
archive does not contain 'pvmfw.img'
archive does not contain 'recovery.img'
extracting vbmeta.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s
archive does not contain 'vbmeta_system.img'
archive does not contain 'vbmeta_vendor.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor_boot.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor_kernel_boot.img'
archive does not contain 'super_empty.img'
archive does not contain 'boot_other.img'
archive does not contain 'odm.img'
archive does not contain 'odm_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'product.img'
extracting system.img (1829 MB) to disk... took 6.850s
archive does not contain 'system_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'system_ext.img'
archive does not contain 'system_other.img'
extracting vendor.img (474 MB) to disk... took 1.694s
archive does not contain 'vendor_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor_other.img'
extracting boot.img (64 MB) to disk... took 0.095s
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
Sending 'boot_b' (65536 KB)                        OKAY [  2.287s]
Writing 'boot_b'                                   OKAY [  0.668s]
extracting dtbo.img (8 MB) to disk... took 0.012s
archive does not contain 'dtbo.sig'
Sending 'dtbo_b' (8192 KB)                         OKAY [  0.321s]
Writing 'dtbo_b'                                   OKAY [  0.110s]
extracting vbmeta.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s
archive does not contain 'vbmeta.sig'
Sending 'vbmeta_b' (4 KB)                          OKAY [  0.040s]
Writing 'vbmeta_b'                                 OKAY [  0.021s]
archive does not contain 'super_empty.img'
extracting system.img (1829 MB) to disk... took 6.863s
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
Sending sparse 'system_b' 1/4 (517680 KB)          OKAY [ 17.974s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 OKAY [  5.189s]
Sending sparse 'system_b' 2/4 (516208 KB)          OKAY [ 17.473s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 OKAY [  5.183s]
Sending sparse 'system_b' 3/4 (516208 KB)          OKAY [ 17.889s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 OKAY [  5.150s]
Sending sparse 'system_b' 4/4 (323448 KB)          OKAY [ 11.302s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 OKAY [  3.256s]
extracting vendor.img (474 MB) to disk... took 1.686s
archive does not contain 'vendor.sig'
Sending 'vendor_b' (1048576 KB)                    FAILED (remote: 'data too large')
fastboot: error: Command failed

Then i relaunched the command by mistake. By reflex, i cancelled it with Ctrl + c. Now, there’s another error message, FAILED (Status read failed (Protocol error)), and it seems worse.

stem@stem-kubuntu:~/Downloads$ fastboot update --force divested-20.0-20241011-dos-FP3-fastboot.zip
Bootloader Version...: 
Baseband Version.....: 
Serial Number........: A20A98720202
extracting android-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM...
Checking 'product'                                 OKAY [  0.020s]
Setting current slot to 'b'                        OKAY [  0.020s]
extracting boot.img (64 MB) to disk... took 0.097s
archive does not contain 'init_boot.img'
extracting dtbo.img (8 MB) to disk... took 0.012s
archive does not contain 'dt.img'
archive does not contain 'pvmfw.img'
archive does not contain 'recovery.img'
extracting vbmeta.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s
archive does not contain 'vbmeta_system.img'
archive does not contain 'vbmeta_vendor.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor_boot.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor_kernel_boot.img'
archive does not contain 'super_empty.img'
archive does not contain 'boot_other.img'
archive does not contain 'odm.img'
archive does not contain 'odm_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'product.img'
extracting system.img (1829 MB) to disk... took 6.863s
archive does not contain 'system_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'system_ext.img'
archive does not contain 'system_other.img'
extracting vendor.img (474 MB) to disk... took 1.691s
archive does not contain 'vendor_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor_other.img'
extracting boot.img (64 MB) to disk... took 0.094s
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
Sending 'boot_b' (65536 KB)                        OKAY [  2.297s]
Writing 'boot_b'                                   OKAY [  0.657s]
extracting dtbo.img (8 MB) to disk... took 0.012s
archive does not contain 'dtbo.sig'
Sending 'dtbo_b' (8192 KB)                         OKAY [  0.311s]
Writing 'dtbo_b'                                   OKAY [  0.114s]
extracting vbmeta.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s
archive does not contain 'vbmeta.sig'
Sending 'vbmeta_b' (4 KB)                          OKAY [  0.040s]
Writing 'vbmeta_b'                                 OKAY [  0.021s]
archive does not contain 'super_empty.img'
extracting system.img (1829 MB) to disk... took 6.846s
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
Sending sparse 'system_b' 1/4 (517680 KB)          OKAY [ 17.232s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 FAILED (Status read failed (Protocol error))
fastboot: error: Command failed

So here’s my questions: what shall i do now ? Did i bricked my phone ?

please do not double post issues, I see them all regardless