Phone wont turn on anymore

So this morning I was on my phone having my morning coffee reading up on messages, when my phone started to turn off.
The battery is fully charged? it was at 98%, Last time I dropped it was yesterday afternoon around 3 &nd I spilled water on it last week.
The phone did the whole shut down procedure randomly when I was reading a message laying on the table on an angle of about 40 degrees. hands free. I couldn’t stop the phone turning off when it started. now it wont turn on anymore. Anyone any suggestions

A new thing occurred the black metal ring around the fingerprint ID fell off when I wanted to insert my battery this morning. I’m not certain if this might or will have an affect on why it turned itself of.

Please feel free to ask for info

This edit is because i forgot to mention this info.
Kindly been pointed out to me i had forgotten :slight_smile:
The water was literally just a spill and the back cover got wet dried it off on my hoodie.
My attempt to fix the phone I literally took it all apart every loose piece came out and got a brush off with a paint brush to clean if needed. and then I put it back together. Also I used a antistatic mat and bracelet to do everything on, and Demagnetised equipment for the whole proces.

Hi and welcome to the forum.

  • Did you look up ‘advice’ on water damage when you spilled water on it.
  • Did you take the battery out and dry the insides etc.
  • The drop could also have loosened something, another reason to dismantle.

There is no indication in your post that you have tried anything to resolve the problem


My apologies i have forgotten to mention what I have tried to resolve the problem.
I didn’t think to include it.
The water was literally just a spill and the back cover got wet dried it off on my hoodie.
My attempt to fix the phone I literally took it all apart every loose piece came out and got a brush off with a paint brush to clean if needed. and then I put it back together. Also I used a antistatic mat and bracelet to do everything on, and Demagnetised equipment for the whole proces.


This morning when I put the battery back in after a night of rest the little metal ring around the fingerprint id module came off can this affect the phone?

Unlikely to effect the power supply, but . . . then you can probably remove the fingerprint sensor all together and not effect other functions.

You say the fingerprint module . . . there isn’t one as such.

Maybe you have taken the core module apart, which the fingerprint assembly is attached to. This would void the warranty if you still have a valid one.

I’m in the dark as to the metal ring, not having seen it.

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this ring is what I mean.
I 'm sorry for calling it a module I know it isn’t one as such but I couldn’t come up with an other way to describe it.

There are other reports of such. I imagine you can use small bits if double sided tape to stick it back on.

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