Official LineageOS 19 for Fairphone 3/3+

Hi Achim, no they are not specific for FP3, these fixes are global and provided by Google or volunteers.

It’s not that easy as there are OTA-Updates provided in this release which restrict flashing old versions to the device without cleaning all data. Don’t know if this time is spent wisely with this approach as it also seems that the official non LOS FP3 build has this boot loop.

Did you reflash the latest NikGApps over the old one and done all the steps I suggested here? This procedure should also work for users using NikGApps.

As the unofficial LOS FP4 release also ends up in a boot loop when GApps are installed with this update, you can see that there is a relationship to this fixes provided by the last update. And it seems that this is a bigger problem with Google Play Store, not (only) a LineageOS one.