Official LineageOS 18.1 for Fairphone 3/Fairphone 3+

I would also try powering off, then removing the card, and powering on again. That forces Android to reevaluate the status of external storage. Then power off again, insert card, power on, and see if you can just add the card as external storage in the dialogs without reformatting.

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I’m not sure how the current state is re Vendor Security patches.
Are we supposed to flash them ourselves from the Stock Image, or will they eventually be incorporated in one of the next releases?

I am working on FP4 at the moment, and after the mess with the Vodafone caller id I prefer to wait and see if the vendor updates work correctly on stock.
I can do an FP3 vendor update in the following few days.


Thanks a lot for your effort, dk1978!

Does that mean that those vendor updates are also part of the “LineagOS for microG” builds? As I understand, they simply take your official LineageOS builds and just add microG into them.

Not quite. Their updates are still missing most of the firmware (e.g. modem) partitions. You may want to read this post and the following ones, what was written for 17.1 still applies:


Interesting - I have exactly the same problem when using AusweisApp2 with FP3+ and eOS. I do not believe that it is a question of how to place the card correctly into the near of the NFC chip… I tried all possible positions, always the same problem despite 100% charge, detached cover… obviously the NFC connetion gets started at first (vibration, some initial functions) but then always interrupted. I have read that some devices deactivate NFC automatically if it is active longer time than necessary for payments… ? So the interaction starts but always is stopped by the device like a timeout… ? Any users here with success using AusweisApp2 on FP3/3+?

I’m using it successfully with this LOS here.
Though it’s a bit difficult at times

Any news about the new build that I think would have been published on Feb 14?

There is always the official change list. You may be interested in this: I have incorporated the blobs from the 0134 build and updated the vendor patch level accordingly.

Another thing from my side was a fix that prevented people from installing MindTheGapps.


Thanks @dk1978 . The new blobs actually made me look forward eagerly to the Feb 14 build, but then the build did not appear on LineageOS Downloads at the expected time.

So my question is - why has the Feb 14 build not been made available?

I was wondering if maybe the build process failed due to the new blobs, or…

Keep up the good work! Really appreciate it!

Our build server is telling us

[SNIP] incoming/failures/FP3/1f7e1742ed9e4a36989e7c4e3b930f61//android-build.log: No space left on device

:frowning: Will look and see if someone is taking care of it…



Can you maybe point in some direction on how to include the new blobs etc when I am building the ROM myself?
As I see it, the scripts or whatever is used to include the blobs is not open source, right? :frowning:

Same problem here with 18.1 (on brand new FP3+)

Hi All,
I am very happy to share with you that I am now successful in updating the kernel and rebasing it to the latest state as I had discussed previously.

Now, the question is:

  1. Do we need this for LineageOS-18.1 or
  2. We’ll move to LineageOS-19.0?

Let me know your feedbacks and I’ll take it up accordingly.



I definitely would like it available now, as I’m an adventurous mind, even though this phone is my daily driver…
Also, i don’t know the schedule for los 19, so this might be still be quite a long haul…
But i can’t say what is involved in integrating it in the actual los…

Here it is: [ROM][Unofficial][Update] LineageOS 18.1 for FP3/3+


Since “LineagOS for microG” does not update the firmware partitions, I installed today regular LineagOS on my FP3 and tried to install MicroG on top of it. However neither NanoDroid nor MinMicroG flashed via Magisk seems to enable Signature Spoofing.

Did anybody manage to get MicroG (or Signature Spoofing) working on regular LineagOS 18.1? If yes, how?

Hi All,

If anyone’s willing to try out an early build of LineageOS 19.0, you can find them here.



A while back I was able to enable signature spoofing using tingle and the help of a guide I found online. But there also should be an Xposed-Module module that does the job.

EDIT: While looking for the guide I found this: GitHub - Otus9051/spoof11: Signature Spoofing on unsupported Android 11 ROMs

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@Schmunzeldrache: I’m also thinking about moving from “LineageOS for MicroG” to the official LineageOS. How did you do it? Were you able to keep your data or did you simply wipe and completely reinstall your device?

Do you know already how MicroG is kept updated when you flash it via Magisk? Does that mean you need to flash the new version every couple of weeks to get the new release?
