New software update Kola Nut 1.8.5 is ready

I have updated successfully, but after the automatic reinstall of the apps, I now can’t get past the sign-in to google services. I keep getting the following message:
no stable connection to the server can be established, this may be a transitory problem of else your android device does not support data services. If the problem persists, go to customer support.
The wi-fi connection works fine, but the screen for choosing your wi-fi connection is the only one I can access, there is a button “next” which isn’t normally there and that takes me back to the previous message.
I have rebooted the phone several times, it doesn’t make a difference.

Help, please

exactely the same problem here.
and apparently google-services get killed within the pre-update, so i can’t usw those now.

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  • Can you tell us, from which version you did the update? Was it Cherry 1.6 or KolaNut 1.8?
  • How your contacts are stored at your FP? Are they stored at “Telephon” or directly at the “Google-Account”? Only the latter would explain the behaviour you observerd…


  • Am I right, that you updated from KolaNut 1.8 to 1.8.5? Then this explains the loss of the icons…I am sorry to say. While updating from 1.6 --> 1.8.5 Icons should be kept!

Cheers, Robert

OK. (and thank you Techaddict)
I just did a quick first round of manually putting them back and have 70 % of them already. My system with the icon-groups must have been quite plausible.
So everything seems to be fine here.
(but of course I don’t bother with google apps - using f-droid instead - so it’s cool).

btw: the icons are smaller again? but still clear and bright, so no problem there.

P.S. it would be better if posts answering to other posts actually end up there, - this one is an answer to Techaddict’s reply to my post from 44 min ago.

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I just solved the problem, I rebooted again, saw on the top line that there were two new emails, so the phone obviously was connected to google services. So when I was asked to sign in, I chose the option “not now”, went through the various stages and now it does seem to work.

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my experience too. I still have some questions about 1.8.5, so decided to wait with the update, but I thought the pre-update couldn’t do any harm. But my Gmail-account disappeared from my widgets, and GPlay too. So I probably have no choice than continu updating?
My contacts&Calender seem to be untouched yet (someone else earlier lost contacts, there was the suggestion about sync & Google-account).

I don’t know if it’s “normal” that the pre-update kills GAPPS but since the real update definitly kills google you should definitly go through with the whole update before concering about reinstalling GAPPS.

I can’t even set an alarm because the sign “the process ‘’ havet unfortunatly been stopped”. Whaaat i happening? Can someone help? I have re-booted like 20 times already.

I moved a post to an existing topic: Getting the 1.8 Launcher back - (originally: What’s wrong with consistency?)

Something must have gone way wrong when you re-installed 1.8.5.

If you upgraded from 1.6 then it was quite normal that nothing seemed different.

I guess you have to do a hard reset now.

After downloading the pre-update I decided by mistake to allow the superuser just this time. Now the fairphone updater has no superuser rights and I can’t download the 1.8.5 Kola Nut update. How can I add the fairphone update to the super user list?

System Settings -> Superuser

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after upgrade, i also installed Google apps again, then had to create the Google account again. it logged in, and all was fine (and the wifi symbol was blue, i. e. logged in).

after one more restart, the wifi symbol is now persistently grey, although it looks like i am logged in (Google Play knows me).

what could be wrong?

Are you sure you updated to 1.8.5? I think you actually went from either 1.8.5 or 1.8 to 1.6 Cherry.
Please perform the steps below to solve this problem:

  • Go to your system settings
  • Tap on the Apps icon
  • Go to the ‘All’ tab (you can see the tab option at the top of the screen)
  • Search for the ‘Media Storage’ icon and tap on it
  • Tap on the ‘Clear data’ option

Can you still download/update apps through the app store?
Maybe it just takes some time for the app store to sync?

After installing the update my phone always says “Unfortunately, Android keyboard (AOSP) has stopped”… Can’t do anything else, every minute this messages shows… What must I do?

re-install the app store


i upgraded from 1.8 to 1.8.5, which is the current running system.

clearing data from the Media Storage did the trick. thank you!


however, all my ringtones have disappeared… how can i get them back?

Have you ever made a backup?
Maybe clearing the Media Storage data deleted them?