Need a FP3 Battery

Hi everybody,
I am looking for a FP3 Battery that is in a good shape. I thought I will ask here. If I find nothing here, I will probably have to buy a new one. :slight_smile:

I live in south Germany.
Looking forward to find one here.

Thanks for your offers.
P.S: Bought a used FP3, which was 1 year old. I have been having it for almost 4 years now. That is why the battery is dying on me.

I have a battery and more if you’re still in need. Contact me through andreas.frey1(at)

Hi Andreas,

super. Ich schreibe dir direkt über Kleinanzeigen. Thanks @urs_lesse for tagging me.

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Hi, I have a FP3 that died on me at my desk a year ago. (Tech support thinks it is the motherboard which is not replaceable in a FP3.) Everything else is good, including, I suspect the battery.

You can have the entire thing for the price of shipping from Calgary, if you want it. It’ll give you a battery plus a whole bunch of parts you can canabilize.)

email me if interested:

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EDIT: OK, just noticed you already offered it. :+1:

Welcome to the Community Forum. :slight_smile:

I’d like to encourage you to offer your FP3 parts in the Market Offer category in this forum. Some people go at great lengths to get a Fairphone on your side of the pond, and if they encounter a hardware issue, getting spares is sometimes tricky for them – which is why an offer like yours might be highly welcome within Canada (or the US).

There are also @angels_montreal and @angels_ottawa who might be interested. For more about Fairphone Angels: 👼 The Fairphone Angels Program and Map (Local support by community members)

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Hi, thanks.
If it does not work out with Andreas, i will get in touch with you.
However, shipping from Canada to germany just for the spare parts is not that sustainable. Hence, thinking twice.

that does not make any sense at all and is most likely not very easy as sending batteries in general is rather difficult up to forbidden…

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