My Fairphone 4 won’t charge. I managed to get it charge slowly by bending the charging cable in a particular way, but now it won’t charge at all. Have cleaned out the port in the phone, tried various cables and various plug points to no success. Phone is less than 3 months old and is close to running out of charge. This is very disappointing.
Hi and welcome to the forum.
a) You can buy a new port
b) My daughter let her child suck on the phone whilst in a case and the contacts became corroded. I removed the port and carefully scrapedthe contacts with a needle and all is fine.
Do not bend the cable contact as it will just distort the fitting and you really will need a new USB C and and a new cable even maybe.
Seems to be a case of warranty. Did you already contact the support?
I assume as my phone is only 3 months old I would not have to buy a new charging port as it should be covered by my guarantee?
The port is held in place by one screw, the loudspeaker on top of it and a connector, see
As a first step, I’d check if the screw (third from the right, marked green now) that sits in a bright structure like a pressing iron in this photo is sitting firmly:
If that’s the case, you can still follow the instructions above and check the connector and if the loudspeaker is fixed firmly.
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