My Fairphone App: Your digital sustainability tool

Hi Giacomo and thanks for joining the community and the forum.

First make sure the app is up to date on your phone. Latest version is 2.1.10.
Then, you might try clearing the cache and deleting the app’s data.
Settings > Apps and notifications > See all apps > My Fairphone > Storage and cache > Clear cache and then Clear storage.


Thank you guys, fixed


Wouldn’t it be nice to recycle my username & password for the app?

Can I access the forum with the “MyFairphone app” ?

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As far as I remember, the login used are your support credentials and I think thats OK as you can use the app to open tickets. I deactivated the app and dont use it, I just access the forum via a browser on the phone


Yes, this is the case. If you create an account on you can use it with the app as well, and vice versa.

[2023-06-08 Edit: please ignore my remarks about Fairphone accounts which are now managed differently.]


I my mind it’s bloatware AND not just bloatware it’s bloatware that need and account.

And it’s sort of shitty that Fairphone doens’t allow the user to uninstall it, only disable it. Apps should be easy to uninstall, not just disable. Uninstalling apps by connecting it to a desktop computer opening an ADB-shell in the terminal is just consumer hostile och fucked up.

Fairphone comes with less bloat than samsung but, not even be able to uninstall the bloat like any app, just angers me.

Whereas I understand your disappointment and agree it would make more sense to be able to uninstal it, I’m not angry about what someone else does, nor feel the need to swear because of my lack of tolerance.

You can send a request to support @ fairphone to have your concern addressed. They may provide that option or explain why they don’t want to. So adb it is :slight_smile:

Each of likes to feel in absolute control of our environment sadly that is so far from reality when the environment is seen as outside our . . .

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Just installed an update of this via the Play store. But now the app crashes when trying to view support tickets. Please Fairphone, apply some testing before release. It really feels I’m an alpha release tester.

Edit: a new update just became available and it fixed the issue. Not sure if my bug report or this post alerted them or they found the issue quickly enough. In any case, faith restored. But the suggestion remains. Please do some testing before release. It’s not rare I find issues just minutes after updating this app or a FP OS update.

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Today a notification appeared on my FP4, something along the lines of “FP: We’d like to ask you a few questions”. Well yes, why not?

I guessed it’s the phone’s FP app which spawned this, but when I clicked on the notification (expecting it to open a dialogue of sorts), it just vanished. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
So I fired up the FP app itself, went through the whole login process, again (my next password will be “1234” :angry:), but all this utterly useless piece of code had to offer was my CO2 emissions! (And it doesn’t take “no” for an answer: I already told it I don’t care, but it does nevertheless repeat the question every time …)
I thought this app was some kind of an intermediary between the phone’s users and the Fairphone company, but I was clearly wrong. It’s a (bad) joke. :angry:

Anyway. What did I miss? Is there some way to get to this questionnaire/survey/whatever it is/was? I do want to help, but for this FP needs to want to be helped…

(^ Edited to emphasize my question since the thread’s title was lost during the move.)

One day later:
Today I got this notification again, and after first logging into the FP app and leaving it open, I clicked on the notification again. This time it managed to open some customer feedback website asking me to rate the FP. (Customer feedback website which was kind of buggy, so I don’t even know if it registered my vote and comment…)
(For the record, just in case somebody else wonders.)

(^ Edited a second time to add the conclusion.)

you miss about the app, that you can open tickets, easily find support articles etc. the rest is useless in my eyes, however why being so angry about an app?

I moved your post to the existing topic about the app. I dont use is, so dont know what notification was showing up today.

Granted, something I fortunately didn’t need so far, and I hope I’ll never do… As about support articles, my internet browser works just fine, thank you very much… :stuck_out_tongue:

Disappointment. As I said I hoped this was a intermediary/interface between FP and me, not some feel-good pseudo-ecological nonsense (how can a phone track my CO2 emissions?).

There are 4 sections in this app, and almost all of them are useless:

  • “Home”, just the CO2 nonsense. Obviously some fictitious CO2 calculations are the most important thing on this phone, the thing you need to be able to access urgently at all times…
  • “Phone”, well, that’s the only interesting part of it, although half of it is still a WIP apparently.
  • “People”. Launches some strange browser with this forum. Can’t even launch the phone’s default browser, which has all my settings and remembers me… Pointless if not useless.
  • “Planet”. Well, I’ll abstain from commenting… Just keep in mind this is the official FP app. :cloud_with_lightning:
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Well that’s about as far as the ‘human’ race stretches ~ imagination to hide reality.

I would be embarrassed to use such a tool. There’s no way I or anyone else can sustain their existence with some detrimental cost.

It’s not just the phone that could not help but people can’t even help each other. Still if it was an intermediary as you hoped, that may alleviate some stress and keep me away from the bottle :slight_smile:

It wouldn’t necessarily be efficient (like a suggestion box never emptied), but it could at least be (look) consistent.
In the present case it looks like several very different people added their pet peeves and packaged the resulting hodgepodge as an app. While leaving the most important part (the phone tests) unfinished…

(Disclaimer: I don’t have anything against ecology and protecting the planet, I even agree it’s a necessity, but I can’t stand people who make this into a religion. Ecology is a serious science, not some new-age fad.)


Only a minor query, but I ventured into the Fairphone ‘app’ which is really useful for support and I think adds a little something to the open/community feel of FP.

However, one of the activities the personal emissions tracker isn’t up to much in my opinion. Putting aside the matter of finding the options to select during the initial assesment being a bit too broad/not realistic (no options for accounting driving an EV for example, best you can do living in a very rural area), my main issue is how the personal output is benchmarked against EU average.

There is no way that the figures for EU are averages, suggesting that on almost every metric the average EU consumer selected the ‘greenest’ options? It’s not useful if the benchmarking isn’t accurate or relevant. If the figures quoted reflect a different population, this should be indicated. Otherwise it begins to make the tool look a bit amateurish.

Now there is no such thing as the perfect emissions calculator, and always reasons to find fault, but starting with accurate figures is a good first step.

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Could we please stop talking about carbon footprints. This entire concept is a scam developed by BP almost 20 years ago to distract the public from the actual problem. Idk why FP even has this in their app, but they should remove it as soon as possible.

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I certainly agree that the carbon footprint tool is trendy and ill-conceived. I also agree that it’s very difficult to design such a tool and that the effort is maybe better spent in other directions.

However I do think it’s essential to concentrate people’s minds on the problem of carbon emissions, to say nothing of nuclear, plastic and other waste that our “civilization” generates every day. Maybe, instead of a false calculator, one could suggest alternatives and score people’s choices. Can anybody beat a traditional “push”-bike for getting to work every day?

Take the train, not the plane!

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It’s just a “feel good about yourself” feature, a self-assessment of your own righteousness… Fact is no phone app is able to assess CO2 emissions (whatever their real meaning) with an error margin of less than 100%. All it can compute is the vague generalities you yourself tell it, and compare them to other generalities, as generic as to be totally irrelevant.

Whatever the real world value of “carbon footprint” might be, it would require complex apparatus and lots of scientific rigor to measure, not some New Age pat-in-the-back phone app…
But I guess Fairphone thinks that the clientele they think they target would expect it… Ultracrepidarianism has become extremely fashionable anyway… :crazy_face:

(Disclaimer: I’ve been ecologically minded from back when it was still a science (before it became a political movement). I’ve lived most of my life surrounded by nature, I’ve seen the ravages mankind inflicts on what is considered as an “infinite resource” and potential source of profit, and how said “resource” has dramatically shrunken, even during my own short lifetime.
Ah yes, and before the Guardians of the Faith pounce on me, “resource” was put in quotation marks, indicating that I do not share that point of view.)

I’m afraid that’s way beyond its reach. I mean, even people who do feel concerned (not only me) think the official Fairphone app isn’t the place for that, and also (see above) that the whole thing, as presented, is an exercise in futility. I admit some people will be happy to have it and will feel this is precious to them, unfortunately the only point is to make them feel special.

If Fairphone wanted to do some education (as opposed to brainwashing propaganda) , I wouldn’t put it in the official Fairphone app, this being a phone after all, and the app being (well, is expected to be) the phone’s control center.
I would then make a second app, just for that, and make it a little more elaborate, for instance giving relevant informations, pointing to online resources, well, something a little more elaborate than a rather pointless virtuousness self-assessment.

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I agree no such app can do much other than provide entertainment, but that doesn’t mean people can’t a fell for their impact.

However it is not that difficult to get a more sensible output.

Let’s consider a few things.

CO2 is just a climate related gas as is CH4 and H2O etc.

The generation of heat by any consumption increase the air temperature and thereby increases the H20 which is the main ingredient in cloud warming.

Not how much warmer the nights are when there it cloudy. Water clouds are far more effective in warming. Sure they are not so widely spread and have a short life but then CO2 in the atmosphere is no so ,long lasting as other pollutants.

Sure we can cut back on CO2 but that isn’t the issue.

We burnt lots of wood, then lots of coal and oil and now we use U238 and if we had not done that we wouldn’t be making Li batteries and Solar panels.

No matter what we use it will generate heat and add more moisture to the atmosphere. It may become so dominant that a long term covering of cloud could reduce sunlight arriving at the surface.

Human efforts in work, no matter what we do is energy transformation.

That most of this comes from sunlight is the common factor.

Our use of this resource via carbon base intermediaries is limited to a) what has been grown since plants got a footing, as in fossil fuels and that which is consumed from the seasonal growth.

Knowing that the fossil fuel created a spike in carbon use then we know that will run out.

We also attribute value to fuels and tools and hence money is a very accurate way of measuring a persons contribution to the overall warming and pollution of the environment.

So it’s all very easy: Don’t fuss over how much Carbon you may be using but money.

Reduce your use of money and all the rest reduces as you can’t buy as much

  • You may even decide to cultivate some crops to eat,

  • You may spend more time cycling and walking

  • You may even make a generator from an old bike and alternator

  • You may collect your own rain water

  • You may reduce the size of your residence

  • AND of course you may try and use you phone for much longer as now you spend time doing the above you use less time earning and spending money so the last thing you want to do is spend €600 every year or two.

It’s all so simple, just check your use of money form year to year and try and reduce that.

That’s the point we might disagree (I generally agree with the rest of your post).
Cutting down on pollution and overall warming costs money, the cheaper and easier solution (right now) is to keep polluting. Anyone who tries to shop at a locally sourced farmer’s market knows it: Supermarkets are way cheaper, and that’s just about food, not to mention the more complex cases (like housing: Building the old way (or worse, keeping the existent buildings) is way cheaper than tearing down and building a brand new zero emission dwelling. And so on.).
This price difference is (still) a problem right now, but this discussion has already gone highly off topic (It says “Fairphone Community Forum” on top of this page…).

My point is just that reducing this general, very complex issue to just entering some (predetermined and approximate) values in a phone app is not really helping any. It’s just a feel-good tool.
IMHO, YMMV and all that. -shrug-