Currently I’m working on a project for my PF2. I designed a PCB to add cap. buttons to the back of my phone. To make it all useable I also have to make a custom case to keep all in place
I hope you have some advices or comments on this project !!
If you need any information feel free to ASK !
I try to blog frequently on my hackaday-page and in this tread!
Greetings from Bavaria !!
Depending on your location in Bavaria, you might be able to team up with the local #fairphoneangels or at least “use” them as testers.
If I don`t mess up my pcbs to much, someone could get the 3d one from the Aisler-package but thats future stuff …
What are you going to do with the additional buttons? Any plans/apps already?
LG also provided the buttons with secondary uses. You can long-press the volume-down button to launch the camera and the up button to open LG’s note-taking app, QuickMemo. When the camera is open, you can long-press the keys to start continuous shooting.
Best would probably be customizable buttons.
Primary I wanted to use them for volume up/down and wake screen but like Stefan said there could be several options how or for what you can use them that you can adapt your phone to your needs
Cool idea @Cherry97.
Are you able to solder these extPCBs by yourself?
If not feel free to ask.
Should be no problem, I allready worked with SMD and reflow so I think I can do it but thanks for asking!!
Did you had the chance to disassemble the bottem module? I try to replaye the microphone. Have two modules where they are broken, and I dont like the idea to put the into the garbage just for one broken part. But I cant find any parts wich are matching the data written on the mems. (S1655; 4617) Do you have any idea.
No not really… i have my fairphone for about a week vor so but I replaced the mic in my LG g3 in a funky way
you can find the pictures in my hackaday-channel
Do you have a photo of the footprint ? Maybe you can find a microphone with the same one
References please!!!
Ahh I forgot… =>
I already checked the foodprint. There are a lot of mems with different specs availlabe.
So I need the exact specs of the original one to find a spare one. :-/
Touch is working so far !!
And by the way this project is one for a contest in Germany called "JugendForscht ", a contest for science loving young people. I also have to write a domcumentation and make presentation for this
If anyone is interessted to get a PCB or the hole thing soldered up, please tell me. You can get it for the costs of materials and shipping
I think it would be great to have one for the Austrian Fairphoners to show it to other people! What do you think @Stefan @paulakreuzer @werner_noebauer @EvaS?
But how much would it cost?